27: Bartering with a King

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^^ Agardh and Eileen with the triplets ^^

--- Greta's POV ---

I stepped back into the Riad, and grinned. "This place always smells so nice... like Books and Honeysuckle..." I sighed.

Mirage chuckled. 'Yes. It is rather relaxing, no?'

"So. We need to find these 'Doors' that Oxley mentioned." I hummed, looking around.

'You've only not checked one place...' she hummed.

I nodded and walked over to the fourth section of the house, located to the right of the entrance. It held a small collection of six multicolored doors, screened in by a white fence and metal netting that made it hard to see into.

The six doors were placed next to one another, evenly spaced along a 24 foot section of wall. There was one each of the colors Blue, Red, Purple, Grey, Black, and White.

I opened one door, to find a blank wall behind it, along with the others, except the Grey and Purple doors, which lead to a set of closets. One with highly outdated cleaning supplies, and the other with a large bathroom.

I hummed at the four doors, and smirked. "Ooh you sneaky bastard..." I fitted one of the four keys I'd Taken into the Red Door, the Red Key, and opened it slowly.

On the other side was now a vast lava field, filled with what could only be Dragons and Ifrits. I slammed the door, breathing heavily. "Okay... not smart. Good... now for blue."

I opened the blue door, and was met with an unmoving wall of water. The door was set in the stones of a Reef, facing a gigantic city, filled with mermaids and Men.

One spotted me, and threw a trident, which I ducked, slamming the door closed and removing the key.

"Okay. What's black, then? Space?" I chuckled and opened the black door.

In front of me was none other than the Ether, the Demon Realm. I didn't even look around, I simply slammed the door and removed the key.

"Absolutely not. And white? Is this going to be heaven?" I grinned.

I opened the door, and was met with what looked like the inspiration for Cerberus. He cocked all three heads, and then lolled out his tongues in a puppyish fashion.

I smiled and blew him a kiss, looking around. He woofed, and the ground shook. He was much farther away that I'd thought, as he stepped closer, and a single claw was as big as the Lioness I'd fought the day before yesterday.

I closed that door, and nodded. "Interesting... but why all this nonsense for four portals? Unless..."

I used the Black key on the Red door, and opened it slowly, to reveal a throne room of some kind.

A throne of bones was unoccupied, but beside it stood a tall man with a deers horns. "Who are you?" He asked.

I blinked. "Ummm... an overly curious little witch who found a portal door and is playing with it a bit too much?" I answer slowly.

He smiled. "I see. I was worried you were an assassin. Then I'd be forced to kill you."

I scoffed. "Me? An assassin? I'm flattered." I smiled.

He laughed. "I suppose. Run along now, the King is approaching."

"The king? Perfect! I needed to talk to him about something." I grinned, and stepped into the room.

He raised an eyebrow. "The king does not allow unscheduled audiences."

"I'm sure he'll want to hear what I have to say." I smiled.

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