37: The Past

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^^ The Mage ^^

"No. Just help me get dressed, woman, the argument lost its virility when you hesitated." I smirked.

--- Greta's POV ---

"You should sign up for the Staffs course. It's really a good thing to learn." Danny said, spinning his chopsticks on his knuckles skillfully.

I grinned. "If you teach me how to do that, deal."

He hummed. "Sorry, trade secret." He shrugged, smiling mischievously.

"Okay. Then I'll tell your brothers that you're skipping class to eat noodles with me." I clicked my chopsticks at him, grinning.

He paled. "You wouldn't."

"Oh we both know I so totally would." I nodded sagely.

He sighed. "Fine, fine... its pretty simple-"


The bell rang for the end of his class, ending our lesson, and I smiled. "Thank you for the instructions, sir, and a good day to you." I tipped an invisible hat, and jumped out of the tree platform we were sitting in. I flew to the bottom, a 50 foot drop, and he followed suit, using one of the Rune-stones I sold in my shop.

They only worked for increments of 2 minutes, and required a cool-down of two hours after a full usage, (as per my purposeful design flaws), so he landed as quickly as possible.

I raced off to my Scrying class, my only class at the moment, and grinned when I walked in to find Silvia with James.

I leaned against the door frame, grinning. "Well well... papa, you've done well for yourself, I see."

He rolled off the desk, squealing femininely, and she sighed. "Dammit, Greta... so close..."

"Ew. I don't need details. Clean yourselves up, class starts..." the bell rang. "Now." I finished.

She buttoned her robe, and kissed him deeply. "Tomorrow, same time?"

He grinned. "Tonight, Dinner?"

"Hmmm... only if I cook. You do not share your daughters talent for culinary arts, lover, unfortunately for both of us." She chuckled.

He sighed. "True. Alright. 8:00?"

"Good." She nodded, and kissed him again.

"Uuuuuuuugh." I sighed.

"You're almost 13. You can handle a few kisses between consenting adults." He shrugged.

"Really? Is that all you thought I saw? I'm emotionally scarred, right now. I never thought my dad had such a small-"

"Oi!" He barked, blushing.

"Clearly you don't have anything to compare it to... as someone who does, he's actually quite gifted." Dr. Silvia grinned and then bent down behind her desk, shimmying something up her legs.

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