2: First Lessons

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"Relatively Safe?" I asked with some trepidation.


--- Greta's POV ---

"Well... what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, dragons breathe fire, and any attack that's not physically connected to a Demons body can go through, but their bodies can't, so as long as you have a secondary shield up, it'll be fine." Mirage shrugged.

I blinked slowly.

"Ah, you don't know much about magic, hmm?"

"My mother died giving birth to me and my sister wasn't a witch... so no. It's not like there's anyone else to teach me." I shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow. "There's an academy, Specifically for that. How could you not know that?"

"Aren't all the people there just working for the Order? That's what Maria said." I nodded.

She laughed. "And its mostly true. But now you're a registered witch with the Order, so they can't do anything to you. Your name has been cleared, and you need to learn. I'm a Lich, so my knowledge of Runes, Circles, and Ley Lines would be very useful to you, but I can't teach you everything you need to be a Witch. Spells, Potions, and making magic weapons are all subjects beyond my knowledge."

"Hmm... still, I couldn't leave the house behind... and what about my new friends, the knights? And you?" I asked.

She laughed. "You underestimate the power this house holds, my dearest Greta. House? Are you capable of being much smaller on the outside?"

'...... yes. I am capable of being as small as a Briefcase or Trunk. I prefer a Trunk, actually, as that is my original physical form, given to me by Rowena's many times-great-grandmother... but a house is nice as well.'

She smirked. "See? And how heavy are you in that form?"

She seemed offended by the question, but answered promptly. '... asking a lady her weight... hmph! If you must know, I'm around 26 pounds. 25.5 on a good day.'

I hummed. "Very interesting... I see, then I can take the house with me as a Trunk."

"Yes." Mirage smiled. "That was exactly my idea. Now. Returning to magic. I'll have you try to summon an Ifrit. Here, you can read a poem out of this. The words are easy to pronounce, and they all rhyme." She fished around in her robe, and then said 'aha!'.

She handed me a small black book, the size of a paperback novel. I hummed and opened it, and realized it was written in blood, and the leather was human skin.

I glared at her, and she shrugged. "My master made it from his masters dead body when I was still human. The poetry is ancient, but easily understandable, and also woven with the most powerful protection runes of all time, powered by his masters death Spell." She nodded.

I hummed and read the first line. "Do not go gently-"

"NO!! Not yet! Oberon, Gaea and Helsinki, what are you thinking?!?" She yelled, and I flinched. "I just said you need a shield! Sigh... close the book."

I obeyed silently.

"Alright. Now. A shield is a simple glyph, drawn in the air. A circle with a symbol in the center. Each person's is unique. Draw what your mind shows you." She sat down cross legged, and I sat across from her.

I breathed deep, and traced my fingers through the air-

"What are you doing? Do you know how to draw in the air?" She asked. I blushed, and she sighed. "Okay. Absolute beginner. Okay... concentrate slowly, and push energy into your hands, like when you want to hit someone, and the blood rushes to your muscles." She said.

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