40: The Staff of Magnus

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^^ The Staff of Magnus^^

I released the Ionian Dragon, as well as Heath, my Baby Dragon, (compressing both to size, so they fit easily,) and sat back to watch as a Baby Dragon was born.

--- Greta's POV ---

It was slow going, at first. The egg wobbled and rocked and rolled around, and finally cracks appeared.

A large piece cracked and started to slide off, and a foot kicked through it, followed by a small snout. I poured a small vial of my blood into the open mouth, and winced as another white Thorn appeared on my forearm. The Vine had traveled from my palm upwards gradually with each successful binding, and the thorns had reached the middle of my forearm.

The baby dragons name came to me, as 'Helprin', and I smiled as the rest of the egg began slowly breaking apart. Soon enough, she kicked the remains of the egg away from herself, shaking the egg sack off of herself and then making her scales burn, cleaning and polishing them instantly.

Her father stepped over, and sniffed her, rolling her into her back with a gentle nudge of his nose. Then his long, barbed tongue licked her snout, and he chuckled. 'Hello, Valeria...'

She giggled and bit his tongue, making me snort at his feigned yelps of faux pain. She wasn't actually hurting him, but he was encouraging her hunting instincts, like a lion with its cubs.

I smiled and pet her tiny horns. "I'm Greta, my dear... and I think you'll like it here." I whispered in her ear.

She giggled. 'That rhymed!' She exclaimed mentally.

I blinked, surprised. 'I suppose Dragons mature a little inside the egg... hmm.' I shook my head. "Indeed it did... well. This is Heath, I'm sure you'll be good friends. Oh, and Dacian, those other eggs, are they yours?" I asked.

'Yes, but they won't hatch for another hundred years in a lava pit.'

"Or a hundred years in a Temporal Net covering a Lava Pit?" I smiled.

He blinked. 'Why?'

"I'm declaring war in a decade or so, on the majority of the world. I need an army. Dragons make excellent Soldiers when bound by Blood Magic." I shrugged.

He nodded slowly. 'Intelligence, Cunning, and Ruthlessness... Precisely the talents a Conqueror must have... but are you sure you're ready to slaughter innocents?'

"I was ready, the moment they sent 7430 men to murder my sister and I, and she killed them all, only to die with a pitchfork through the back of her throat." I said coldly.

He bowed his head. 'So be it...'

I moved the three dragons into my grimoire, and then summoned the other eggs.

Then I pulled Dacian out again. "Alright. I need your spine, and skull. That won't kill you, right?"

He shook his head. 'Only if you use magic.'

"Good. Get going, then. Your body is back to its... invulnerability?" I asked.

He nodded, and then curled up as if to sleep. His skin started parting gruesomely, and his entire spine fell out, along with his brain and skull. They regrew in seconds, and I shrunk the spine and skull down to my height, dissolving the tissue and using the magic in that to fossilize the bones.

They crystallized, surprising me, until I remember Seth's crystallization. I commanded him to enter the Staff, and replace the spinal column only, leaving the brain empty for now.

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