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I had no clue why I kept standing there staring at zico and minah share PDA. But I do know that once they pulled away from each other's mouth, I ran out of there. I was beyond sad but didn't want to force myself to admitted. As I stopped running and started to walk, the poster for the spring formal caught my eye. Who could take me to that stupid dance? Then there was that party tomorrow. who could take me there? I was alone and awkwardly standing in front of that stupid poster!

Lunch was over and I was back in class. As my teacher explained scientific notation to my class I drifted off to the land of thought. I didn't care about that dance or about the party tomorrow. All I really cared about was Zico, Zico, yura, Zico and Zico. I didn't know what to do about it. Mostly yura. She was the reason why I just couldn't go up to Zico, that and the fact that he was ignoring me.



I immediately woke up, jumped and fell off my bed. That alarm was starting to cause me problems. And a serious concussion. I frown as I looked at naeun wake up like a princess and smiled when I realized she had a tissue stuck to her cheek.

"Good morning." I said standing up and walking up to her, finally taking the tissue off her face.

"Good morning and thank you." She smiled.

At least the morning wasn't going so bad. Naeun decided to shower first so I instead picked out my clothes and waited for her to come out. I laid in my bed and slightly picked up my necklace. I stared at it and smiled. It somehow had the ability to make me feel better. Suddenly a horrible scream took over my ears. It was naeun. I stood up.

Me: what's wrong? Are you okay?!"

Naeun: OMG! We don't have any towels!"

I frown and sighed. Why make a big deal out of towels. I looked around the room for towels and I guess naeun was right...there were no towels. Weird...

Me: NAEUN-AH! I'm going to get us some towels from the students supply room, okay?"

Naeun: OKAY."

Me: I'll be back, soon!"

I then put my hair in a messy bun and walked out of my room with a pair of black sweatpants and an orange tank top. I put on some slippers and made my way to the student's supply room. I took the elevator and in less than five minutes I was in the campus main building. I waved at a couple of people I knew and I automatically smile when I saw ukwon and minah were having some kind of picnic by the lake. I immediately remembered about the towels and ran inside the building. Mr .kim, the supply keeper was putting away shampoo on a closet.

Me: excuse me, sir."

Him: yes?"

Me: do you know where I could get some clean towels?"

He thought for a second before answering.

Him: we don't have much of them available but if you want you can go to the dance room and get some from the closet."

Me: thank you so much."

I ran my way to the dance floor because I was pretty sure naeun was waiting urgently. After a couple of minutes I was in front of the dance room. I entered and I felt my chest tighten seeing yura there. Luckily for me she was alone and by that I mean, she was not with Zico. I sighed in relief. As I made my way to the closet she glanced at me and I could feel her roll her eyes and scoff at my presence. I ignored her and just walked to the small closet on the corner. I opened it and there were only two towels, which was perfect! One for me and one for naeun.

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