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there was one week left of school. one! YES I SAID IT ONE! today my mom and i were shopping for new clothing to last for the whole year. as you know the school i go to is an academy, a very special one. we have dorms of three people to two people. the dorms are in a building. we have two buildings; the boys and the girls. we are separated, but thats only at the dorms. seniors and juniors are mixed up and sophomores and freshment are mixed up too. at the beginning it could get confusing but after a while you understand well.

i was now thin and i couldnt get any happier, the only thing that changed about me (besides my figure) is my eating habits. i ate alot but now ill feel sick afterwords so i HAVE to stop eating, if not ill barf all over the place. i changed into the only clothe that fit me. a pair of loose sweatpants and a hoodie. we were walking out of the door to go shopping but zico stopped my mom and i.

zico: mrs. park, do you mind if JJ and i go with you, we also need clothe for this school year.

mom: of course. come on lets go.

JJ and zico followed behind and then ukwon and his mom, mrs Kim, walked out of the house, i guess they were inside their rooms. i blushed as i saw ukwon, he looked really cute in a tank top and a pair of jeans. his shoulders were wide and i couldnt stop staring and then he locked his gaze on mine and i couldnt look away, and apparently neither could he. we stayed there for what seemed a couple of centuries when broke off our contact by speaking.

mrs.Kim: eunche? (she looked at my mom) do you mind if i go with you? yukwon needs to buy a couple of things for school.

mom: of course i dont mind. come on sweetheart. ( she grabbed ukwon by the arm and pulled him to the car)

i try not to look at him because he made my face turned into a red tomato. as we got in the car we were lucky we fit in it. JJ was sitting in the front seat and Zico was sitting between me and the love of my life, who sadly was taken by the girl that detested me the most. i got to admit it was a little to crowded on the back because i was being somehow squished by Zico agains the car's door. ukwon and zico had very manly figures so they took alot of space. they were tall and fit while i the little lamb, who cant no longer claim her space because shes not as big as the car herself was being squished to death. i myself was very tall. i was 5'7 inches. while zico was 6 foot tall and ukwon was 5'10.

me: zico do you mind moving a little, i cant breath!

i pushed him a little. he smiled.

zico: alright. (he turned to my future husband) can you move a little ukwon.

ukwon: why?

zico: baby girl here needs some space or she'll die. ( he pointed at me)

ukwon: oh. arasso.

ukwon moved a little closer to the door and zico scooted over too. I COULD BREATH AGAIN! HALELLUYA!! i glanced at him and he was looking out the window. zico lowered his head and leaned it on my shoulder. i wondered how we have gotten so close in a couple of months. i mean, a year ago i thought he was this hot, popular, unreachable star that could never talk to because i was a poor, ugly, dumb unpopular looser and now look at him and me. the kingka 9of my academy had his head on my shoulder.

zico: hey hana?

he whispered to me and i looked down at his face. damn this kid was handsome!

me: yeah?

zico: (serious face) i liked leaning on your shoulder when it was chubby.

i rolled my eyes and i flicked him on the forehead. he yelped away and rubbed his forehead.

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