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it was friday. god bless the world for ending the week. honestly, it was great. this year is turning to be my best year ever. hanging with the block b guys is great. i do get alot of hate from the girls, even some death notes. the guys told me to ignore them and i do but i wont deny I'm a little scare. minah and ukwon are no longer a couple. i love it! except for the fact that minah teases me alot but i finally have the guts to stand up to her, and im proud. ukwon is in love with minah. i know it but after she cheated on him he's trying hard to forget her...i wish i could help but i think he only sees me as a friend. it hurts me but i cant give up. i wont.

" a girlfriend?" jj yells all of a sudden snapping me back into reality. zico, jj, ukwon and i were going home from school (like i said, is friday.)

" yeah.." zico responded. "dont you think shes cute hana?" zico asked me like i knew what he was talking about.

" what are you talking about?" i asked.

" zico has a new girlfriend." jj answered instead. my eyes widened. i was kind of surprised.

" already? its just the first week of school!" i yelled at zico in amazement.

" i know." zico said. " but she's really cute. her name is yura. "

i frown. zico didn't even like her. was he always this player?

" you like her?" i asked glancing from zico to the silent ukwon to zico again. i expected zico to say he really likes her but instead...

" i guess...she has big boobs and a nice ass."

my mouth dropped. that was mean!

" are you serious? your such an ass?! is that the only reason you go out with a girl? because of their bodies?!" i yelled. i got to admit i was sort of offended since i was chubby before...

" bunny calm down.. " zico told me like if i was insane but i was a bit mad...his an ass.

" i cant. thats messed up!" i said a bit calmed. " dont you think is rude? have you ever dated a girl because her?" i said with a sincere smile. zico stopped walking to think. we also stopped and i heard ukwon chuckled. he made me melt...

" whats so funny?" jj asked ukwon.

" no its just that..." ukwon giggled. " zico has never fallen in fact he says he will never fall in love." my eyes widened and i looked at zico.

" really?" i asked.

zico smiled at me like it was nothing.

" i know i sound cruel and stuff but im not. im actually a nice guy...someday ill meet a really nice girl..." he put his arm around me. " and maybe. just maybe. ill fall in love."

i rolled my eyes. ukwon eyed us and for a second i thought i saw jealousy in his eyes and my heart started beating faster.

we kept walking home and when were there we were greeted by my mom and ukwon's mom.

" how was school?" my mom asked.

" great." i smiled. Zico and ukwon went straight to their rooms and jj said he was going to change clothes to go meet up with his friends on the skatepark. i changed clothes too. i put on a pair of black short shorts and an old t-shirt.

it was late at noon and i was bored. my mom and ukwon's mom went out to buy groceries. my dad was watching tv on the living room while scratching his stomach.

i kept hearing laughter from the guys room so i decided to go in and find out what they're doing, after all i was bored to death.

i opened the door and saw them both sitting in the floor, playing video games. i felt my cheeks turn red as i realized they were both shirtless while playing.

" ha! i killed you!" ukwon yelled in excitement, while zico grunted.

" that was sooo messed up! i was distracted!" zico yelled back. i laughed softly so they wouldn't notice me. i was actually the best at video games. i know it sounds weird but its the truth...i was great at video games and sports. shocking right? but im not lying.

i stood behind them. watching them play. they were playing my favorite video game " massacre of the fighters." i watched them played quietly. i was a little frustrated. they kept making mistakes. i was so frustrated when zico didn't grab the 'extra strength' chance and i yelled, " What the hell?! you missed it!"

and thats how they found out i was there.

they both jumped in surprise.

" what the hell hana? you scared me!" zico yelled sitting up to look at me. i blushed as i saw his hard stomach. he had abs... ukwon sat up to. i felt my face become hot...he also had abs. OMG i was dying!

" why didn't you tell us you were there?" ukwon asked. my face was hot and red. zico laughed. " no need to be shy." he chuckled and i felt like stabbing him with a pencil.

" i was just watching you guys play." i said. " you guys suck by the way."

ukwon smiled. " really? you think you can do better?" i felt myself become confident. ukwon was being daring and i liked this side of him more.

" yeah i can beat you both." i smiled. ukwon laughed along with zico.

" if you're THAT good than prove it." zico teased. i laughed. " alright." i said. zico then plugged in another controller. ukwon patted the floor between them, signaling me to sit there. i smiled and did so, grabbing the controller.

"ready to play?" zico asked me. i was ready but...

" before we start playing." i said to them. " can you guys do me a favor?"

" what?" they both asked in unison.

" both please put on a...shirt?" i blushed. they both laughed. i punched zico on the arm.

" ouch! why me only?! why didn't you hit ukwon?!"

" because I'm not close with him but i am with you, which means i can abuse of you." i said glancing at ukwon. he seemed...upset.

zico put on a white tank top and ukwon a v neck T-shirt.

i felt much! much! much comfortable!

" lets make a bet." zico said. i agreed.

" if one of us beats you , you have to grant us 5 wishes but if you beat BOTH of us we'll both grant you 5 wishes. but only if you beat both of us, not one."

i thought it was unfair but after a while i realized it was worth it. 10 wishes? great.

ukwon seemed okay with it too so i was too.

we started playing and the guys couldn't believe how good i was.

" are you sure you're a girl?!" zico yelled as we fought in the video game. i was in second place because ukwon was first. i was giving him a chance. zico was third but i was soon going to defeat him.

" just because im a girl it doesnt mean i cant play." i teased. i wanted to reach ukwon and beat him but i had to defeat zico first. and i did...

" NOOOOO! hana i promise ill do the dishes for a week but let me live!" zico yelled. " no no! damn!!!" he yelled once he had lost. i smiled as the screen showed. ' made it to round 6.' i just needed to beat ukwon and ill be good. i would have my ten wishes in no time.

" lets do this." i said totally pumped up. ukwon was quiet nervous.

" im going to crush you." i said to ukwon. my body froze as he leaned in my ear and whispered seductively, " dont let me win."

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