The Past Cannot Be Erased, Forgotten Or Edited; Only Accepted

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I held her in my arms as she cried. Seeing her memories like that, it caused tears to race down my face. Our children were asleep now and they were back in their cots. Lucifer and Khristian were watching helpless as Raven cried into my shoulder. Lucifer looked curious for a minute before asking, "What was it the Sun Goddess gave you, child?"

Pulling her head from under my shoulder, she turned her hand to face the ceiling. In the middle of her palm was a sun. It looked like it was a tattoo but it was an exquisite design. I turned to her and said, "I have never seen this before," and believe me I would have seen it, I sent her. She smirked and held up her hand so I could see the tattoo fade away from view, "no makeup needed to hide this bad boy," she winked.

 She smirked and held up her hand so I could see the tattoo fade away from view, "no makeup needed to hide this bad boy," she winked

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The design was beautiful though, I studied it when she brought it back. Suddenly my father burst out laughing. "Raven, m'dear you are a delight. Tell me, does anybody know about this?"

She shook her head and said quietly, "No, I didn't know what it was and I didn't want anybody to use me for some unknown plot of theirs." He nodded his head in understanding.

"That my dear, is the Sun Goddess's crest. She only gives one to those she considers worthy. I had one myself before I fell, now it's just... Well, anyway, that is an honor. No supernatural can go up against a true messenger of the sun goddess. They would fail miserably, resulting in their death, which would explain how that happened."

Not knowing what he was talking about, I had to asked, "How what happened?"

"Honestly, Lucien," He admonished, "How she defeated Pieter so easily. Pieter was strong, no doubt about it. Raven shouldn't have been able to defeat him easily. Especially while carrying these two little hatchlings," he said smiling down at his grandchildren.

Looking at me, Raven says, "So what you're saying is, this mark protects me and nobody can hurt me?"

My father just chuckled at her, "Child, do you not understand? You're entire clan, entire family even your mate and even his family are protected by that mark. You truly are a blessed child. It seems I'm not the only one my aunt has blessed. I may even be a little jealous."

I chuckled at them. "Okay then. Why don't we talk about this later. I'm sure Raven needs her sleep after everything today."

The men all nodded and left. I turned to her and kissing her on her head, I whispered, "I really hope that you aren't signing our children up for something that could endanger them."

She shook her head, "I would never endanger my offspring. It goes against every maternal instinct I have. I just need enough time to get far enough away that they can't get to me or my children ever. I should've known that they would never forget about that damned ceremony."


Later that night there was war. My father screamed through the mind link at me "KEEP RAVEN UP STAIRS NOW! VIOLET, ROSE, LILY AND BLUEBELL ARE TRAITORS! THEY'RE TO DIE IF CAUGHT!"

My Demon King and I (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang