1. For the night is dark and full of terrors

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He felt her calling for him as he ran through the woods. It was nice being able to see such a beautiful scenery after so long in the darkness, but unfortunately the scene would have to wait until later. 

"I need you, please help me," the voice carried through the wind to him and it sounded so lost, so confused. The sound of it being that way it hurt something that he long thought dead, his heart.

At the sound of the voice coming closer he started to run faster, hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl who had made him feel this way after spending an eternity of darkness and pain.

"Where are you? Who are you?" he growled, getting impatient and frustrated with getting nowhere in these trees.

"I am your all, your everything. I am your light when you are lost in the darkness. I am the other half of your soul." 

The confusion had all but left her voice at this stage and he kept running. My all? My everything? I had lost everything to the darkness, there is no light left in me. I am beyond saving.

"Nobody is beyond saving, my love."

That gave him pause. He thought about her. The other half of my soul? My love? He stopped running, the answer stopping him in his tracks, his heart beating so fast he feared it would burst from overuse. No, no, it can't be. 

He saw a light up ahead that hadn't been there before. He walked slowly, hoping against all he held dear, which were few and far between, that it was some trick and he had not been granted something to which he was not worthy. 

He made it to the clearing and froze at the scenery ahead. There was a glassy lake, so pure, so clean. No pollution had touched this beauty. There was a carpet of grass that looked untouched spreading as far as the eye could see, surrounding the large lake. The sky was a beautiful clear blue, and not a cloud was to be seen. But that wasn't what froze him.

Standing in the middle of the lake, was a woman so breathtaking, he feared he was hallucinating. The woman was tall and fair-skinned. The sun danced off of her long raven locks that were flowing softly down her back and dancing gently in the wind. The dress she wore flowed softly down her luxurious curves. It was a plain dress, no extravagant design, however it looked exquisite when she wore it and he doubted it's beauty on any other living creature.

The dress continued up to her slender shoulders and his eyes finally rested on her face. From where he stood, he could see that beautiful was not the word to describe this woman, and breathtaking was too mundane a word to describe her beauty. 

He unconsciously started walking towards her. From what he could see, the closer he got, her skin was flawless. Her mouth looked so pouty, soft and red, his eyes locked on them, wanting to kiss them and see if they were as soft as they looked.  He reluctantly removed his eyes from the rubies that called to him as his thoughts took a turn for the worst. As he stopped in front of the lake, he had seen that she, too, had moved closer to the banks of the lake. Her cheeks took a flush that told him he noticed where his attention had drifted. His gaze moved up to rest on his eyes and what he saw froze him. 

Her eyes were a grey-blue, extremely pale. What froze him was the ring of amber around the blue. Her supernatural gene had just awakened. That could take days, maybe a week. No, he thought, that would take too long. In the meantime, any supernatural could come up and claim her as his.

He grabbed her upper arms, careful not to hurt her, and looked her in her otherworldly eyes so she could see his seriousness and worry. "Who are you? Where are you?"

My Demon King and I (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now