Put Up A Fight For What You Love

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What did I just say? I heard her tell Khristian that she wants revenge and a spark of blood lust grew in me before I lost control. Something dark, sinister even, rose in me and suddenly I growled out, "Let's do it then." That wasn't even my voice! It was too low, gravelly. It sounded like I'd been smoking for one too many years, for crying out loud!

Everyone's eyes turned to me, all for different reasons. Lucifer was looking me up and down in a way the suggests intrigue, like he was interested in my abilities. Khristian, my father, looked worried, sliding a glance at the woman Ophelia then looking back at me. Lucien would have been incredulous but he knew my abilities. Instead, the man who was my mate seemed interested in who would win, his mate or Ophelia?

Having heard my thoughts, he sent me a message saying of course you'll win, mo rún searc. Never doubt it. I refuse to believe that you cannot defend yourself and wish to be babied.

I sent a teasing glower his way and noticed the other company that came in with Ophelia looking at me with shared curiosity. Feeling Lucien's arms on me I asked silently, why are they all looking at me?

He pulled me closer and growled to everyone in the room, even our fathers, "MINE."


Later that night, I was taken to a room by Khristian. When he opened the door, I gasped. Huge was not a word I would use to compare this room. It was furnished with mahogany wood, plum colored with a white carpet. It was simply exquisite.

Looking back at my father with wide eyes, he smiled broadly. Looking to the door across the room, it turned out to be a walk in closet. Man, I thought. These clothes are the name brands I wear, and they're my size!

Walking out, I found Khristian sitting in a chair in the corner watching my movements. I sat down on the bed and waited for someone to break the silence. 

Finally, he said, "So, seeing as how you went completely berserk on Ophelia," he chuckled when I blanched at her name, "we must prepare you now that you've accepted her challenge." He understood immediately, looking at my wide eyed state. 

"But Khris- I mean, dad, I didn't accept. It was something in me that accepted. It didn't like her touching him!" I was stabbing a finger at my chest, like it would point to the source of my problems.

He nodded emphatically, and said, "even so, you have nothing to worry about." I sighed in relief, head slumping and he said, "I believe you can beat her without any help."

My head snapped in his direction so hard, I got whiplash. He held his hands in surrender and said in defense, "there's nothing to be done about it. She challenged and your demon side accepted, with or without your consent." He looked kind of guilty that he couldn't do anything, but then he looked kind of happy.

"Besides, if you win I have information you might like to have," he said, leaning back into the chair in a pose that said I-have-won.

I rolled my eyes and said in a bored tone, "and what information would that be?"

He answered in a serious tone. "The information I'm willing to share, too willing, is about your mother."



I got held up after dinner. After Khristian offered to take Raven to her room, I pulled Ophelia back by the upper arm and hissed, "What do you think you are doing?"

Her eyes widened and I knew my beast was near the surface. My beast was the cause of nightmares. It caused grown demon men to have nightmares, it had the same effect on fallen angels - no matter how strong.

I didn't doubt Raven's abilities for a second, judging from the power radiating off of her in waves. But she was still wild, she doesn't know how to control her powers. She had been told to keep her power hidden from her family all of her life and she had never had the chance to truly be herself.

Glaring at Ophelia, I growled, "You could have taken back the challenge. Why didn't you? If you so much as hurt my mate, I swear I'll..." I left the threat hang in the air as I gripped her upper arm tighter and tighter until...


Her arm snapped in two and the room went completely quiet. All eyes were on me now. And why wouldn't they be? I thought to myself. Never, in all my years, have I ever hurt any of my father's followers. Now, breaking one's arm... That's call for mutiny. Luckily, I have the charm of the Devil on my side.

As if on cue, my father steps forward and says almost scolding, "Now, Lucien. The challenge is set, what's done is done. No need for tantrums. Ophelia," he continued. His scolding tone turned into a warning as he continued, "You, child have made a mistake in calling my daughter in law a... 'Bitch'," he sneered the word. "You will go on with this fight, and if you hurt Raven in any fatal way, you will spend your life guarding the prisons for two hundred years," she paled. Nobody wanted to go to the prisons. It was in the darkest part of Hell, guarding against any and all threats. I smirked down at her as she shrunk back in fear. Naturally, guarding the prison was a punishment not wanted by anyone.

My father turned to me, asking if that was punishment enough. I thought about other methods and decided that Ophelia was in need of some discipline. The prison would have to do, I thought. I nodded and asked, "Why stop there father? Take Khristian's suggestion and put her on the rack after the two hundred years," I chuckled as she turned green. She had never had a strong stomach and that still hadn't improved.

"well that's if anything should fatally happen to Raven," my father clarified.

I nodded in agreement and emphasized "anything fatal," while glaring at her.


Hey guys! Updates will be taking longer now it's coming up to the Christmas Holidays 

Thank you all for keeping with me up until now you guys are the best xxx 

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