The Good Things In Life Are Better With You

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I saw my dad run his hand through his hair, muttering, "Shit, she's more like her mother than I thought." It sparked curiosity. Was he disappointed? Did he want someone like my mother or more different? Less adventurous or curious even?

Seeing my reaction at his words he quickly corrected himself. "No, Raven, listen, I'm happy to have a child, ecstatic even. When I was told I had a daughter, I was over the moon when I heard. I was heart broken to hear you had already found you mate," I said pointedly looking at Lucien who beamed like a child being praised, "because I wanted to spend some time with the child I've only just met. I've wanted to meet you when I first found out your mother was pregnant. Then, things happened and we were sent away," I saw Lucifer's eyes fill with sorrow, and I had to keep myself from comforting him just yet, "but there is not one day that passed that I had not thought of you and your mother."

I held his gaze as he said clearly, "Then why did you look so annoyed saying, 'she's more like her mother than I thought'?"

He looked at Lucifer who was biting back a grin and hiding his face behind Lucien's shoulder, his own shoulders shaking with laughter. My father's face heated slightly as he said, "well..... First let me say that if anyone besides you three hear this, I will deny it until I'm cold and dead in my grave," this earned him a snort from both Lucifer and myself while Lucien just muttered 'you'll be denying it a long time then'.

"Well, Raven," he started, ignoring Lucien's remark, "I said it because when I first met your mother, she was in the woods fighting three wolf shifters and when I saved her, she casually stated that she was meeting a friend. She was kinda frustrated that a Male had saved her because she felt she had the situation under control. I felt lost after she said it though. Anyone else would have said 'thanks', or 'nice one', but, ehm... not your mam.... It was the way you had said you felt familiar power. It was said casually and..... I don't know, it just felt like de ja vu. Now I know that both my girls are alike, I feel kind of..." I whispered in her ear, "outnumbered."

When he pulled away, I saw him start to smile and I returned it. A bark of laughter came from one of the two men in front of us. Shit, I thought. 


Lucien stepped away from his father as we waited for him to compose himself. When he did, many minutes later, dinner was served. As we headed to the dining hall, I saw Lucien take Raven's hand in front of me. He looked down at her with love and affection as he pulled out a chair and sat next to her.

Ahhh, Rachael, our girl has grown and has found a mate worthy of her, I thought sadly.

Raven looked over then and she smiled at me. I smiled back but I couldn't help the sharp pain in my heart in realization that I had missed her childhood and now that I have met her, it was too late. She didn't need me but I vowed to Rachael that I would watch over our girl. I will protect her in any way I can.

I watched as dinner was served and throughout dinner I watched as everyone at the table started to laugh and joke. It was refreshing to entertain people from the above world. I saw Lucien's eyes light up when Raven started talking, which I haven't seen since he was a little boy asking me could he ride the wild dragons in the third circle.

Turns out the boy had a knack for dragon riding and he wasn't short on talent. Must be in his genes, I thought to myself.

Suddenly, Lucifer asks a question which I didn't bother to think about. "So, Raven," he starts, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I look back curiously, what is he doing? 

"Not that I'm complaining about the visit, but you have yet to tell us why my son has dragged you to this dismal place." He said this disgustedly, looking around his palace, made from the sweat, blood, bones and tears of those who were brought to be punished. I was intrigued by the question and waited for the answer. Raven looked hesitant and Lucien immediately answered, "father, where is Ophelia? I know you wanted to ask for her to be here as well as the others." Lucifer nodded in dismissal and said, "go find them then," while waiting for a reply from Raven.

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