The Earth Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky

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I knew she understood what I meant when I said "Home". She nodded and walked almost absent minded into her room before shutting her room door.

Damn, this isn't what I wanted! I wanted to ease her into the thought of being mated to the son of the Devil! I wanted to ease her into the thought of living in Hell, maybe even meet my father! 

But noooooo, stupid Gabriel spilled the beans prematurely and that prick Michael - with the 8 meter pole permanently stuck up his arse - is up to something. He wouldn't come here to meet Raven, to have a chat over a cup of tea. No, that just wasn't done. Angels were too righteous, too 'superior' a race to convene with any others.

I was deep in thought when Raven came back out with her suitcase. She touched my shoulder, which brought me out of my thoughts, brought my head down to hers, and whispered, "It'll be okay, mate. Have faith that the Goddess' have something planned."

She kissed me tenderly at first, then brought her tongue out, seeking entrance. I granted her request. Just when I was getting comfortable, she pulled away, her lips swollen and red. Her gaze kept flickering to my mouth and vice versa. I was so tempted to lift her over my shoulder and carry her to her room where we would make sweet love over and over until we were both sated - caveman style. Then I remembered why we were leaving.

I groaned, grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door with her suitcase trailing behind us. "Let's go, woman! We must reach a gate and pass through before more angels come to take you from me." I know it was stupid to be angry because of the situation, but I was just aggravated that I wanted to spend some alone time, like that glorious night last night, only to have it ruined by distant family members who consider me scum.

I nodded to Gabriel as we passed by and walked into the woods. When we were a good ten miles in, I stopped in a clearing and turned to face her. Raven looked so confused. Why wouldn't she be? We're standing in the middle of the woods, so unless you want her to think you're an elf, explain yourself.

I coughed into my hand and said, "We would have to travel a good three weeks to the closest gate opening so I thought we could maybe... Transport." I blushed. I FUCKING BLUSHED. I'M THE PRINCE OF HELL, FUTURE KING, AND I BLUSHED LIKE A HORMONAL TEENAGE GIRL ASKING HER CRUSH OUT!! UGGGHHH (life is so difficult at times)

Not seeing the blush, she just nodded with a clear "okay". With her acceptance, I pulled her body to mine, savoring the feel of her luscious body against mine, I ran my hands over her figure to rest on her hips. She ran her hands up my chest until they rested around my neck. I was conscious of the fact that her breasts were sticking into my abs and the tent in my pants - the proof of my insatiable thoughts - was sticking into her abdomen. 

Shit, what's wrong with me???

With a mumbled apology from me and a chuckle from her, we were off.


Marching to the gate was no easy feat. The gates are in locations only accessible by few. For example, the man who climbed Mt. Everest in 1953. He was the first person to pass through the gates and make it back. Thus, he and his companion lived and made it safely down the mountain. However, since more people have made the same feat, the gates had to be relocated.

Now we stand outside The Devil's Sinkhole, in Texas. Raven seemed hesitant at first, but as we made it through the hole itself, Raven started to shake, almost in fear it seemed.

I held her hand the whole way through easing her hesitation. Then I heard a sound. An almost angelic humming coming from around me. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard (and that's saying a lot being related to angels). Looking down, I realized it was Raven, humming an Irish tune. Seeing that she was found out, she blushed. I squeezed her hand and pulled her along. Reaching the opening of the gate, I sat and she followed suit.

"The gate should open soon. If you want we can rest here for a while." In all honesty, I just wanted to spend some more alone time with her before introducing her to more of my dysfunctional family. Uggghhh the thought alone was depressing. Seeing her sit there in silence, I had to ask, "Is something wrong, love?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm just nervous," she chuckled, "It's not everyday I get introduced to the Devil himself as his future daughter-in-law." The thought of her thinking that far ahead made my heart, thought to be long dead, warm up.

I smiled and changed the subject, "So what was that song you were humming?"

She blushed and said softly, "It was Courting In The Kitchen by The Clancy Brothers. My mother taught it to me back in Ireland a good few years ago. Though I do prefer the old Irish jigs and reels," she finished, smiling to herself.

"So, will you sing for me?" Just out of curiosity, I asked her. I would have given my right arm just to hear her talk let alone sing. She nodded shyly and let out a few verses:

  Come single belle and beau, unto me pay attention
Don't ever fall in love, it's the devil's own invention
Once I fell in love with a maiden so bewitchin'
Miss Henrietta Bell out of Captain Kelly's Kitchen

With my tooral-ooral-I, and my tooral-ooral-addy
With my tooral-ooral-I, and my tooral-ooral-addy

Next Sunday being the day, we were to have the "flare-up"

I dressed myself quite gay and I frizzed and oiled my hair upThe captain had no wife, faith he had gone out fishin'And we kicked up high life down below stairs in the kitchen  

When she finished there was silence. I knew the song was usually jovial, but when she sang acapella, it made my heart stop. Her voice was clear as she sang, spilling her words into the space around us. It gave me chills at the thought of what she could do. Like a siren, she could lead men to their deaths just as easily.

I asked her was she a siren and her reply was a simple, "nah, the whole naked mermaid thing didn't fit for me so I changed my job description." It was good to see her laugh so heartily.

I stood and stretched. After discovering my mate's humor and talent, I realized that life would never be boring with her by my side.

My Demon King and I (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu