Where You're Going Doesn't Matter; It's Who You're With That Matters

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I looked at Lucien first, then the man Gabriel, in shock. Gabriel looked just as shocked as I was. "He's still alive?" Gabriel asked, taking the words out of my mouth. We looked back at Lucien who looked pleased.

He nodded, his wavy hair falling over his amber eyes. I looked between the two men, thinking of what I've been told. Then said skeptically, "You expect me to believe that my father is a demon, and is still breathing?" 

I know what I said sounded discriminating against the demon species, but what can I say? I was surprised, anxious, there were butterflies in my stomach that threatened to spill. I saw Lucien look at me in understanding, open his arms, and thought to myself, well better the devil you do know than the devil you don't.

I looked up and said tiredly, "Lucien, truthfully, is my father alive?" He looked down at me with a tender expression and said softly, "I believe so, darling. I can bring you to him if you wish, but I'm not sure about bringing him to you."

I shook my head, "I wouldn't want to bring someone who mightn't be my father here, Lucien. It's too risky. Phoenix blood has a lot to do with dark magic, and bringing him here, my family would be lambs to the slaughter."

Lucien nodded at my explanation and looked to Gabriel. "I understand your surprise, uncle. Your brother, long expelled from the gates of Heaven, is still alive. I'm surprised too, but for a different reason altogether. I am surprised because I didn't think that man, so into books and history, could have made the beauty in my arms."

I looked up to find him looking at my lips and I blushed.Changing the subject, I turned to Gabriel and said, "Well then, other than to tell stories, what are you doing here, uncle?" I emphasized the word uncle to see what response I would get. 

I wasn't disappointed. He went red in the face and started stuttering, "
W-well, I-I-I... I came t-to check on m-my dear nephew, of course, and to see w-why the boy had come to an isolated place, but now I know," he said, smiling knowingly at me. I felt Lucien shake with his head on my shoulder and realized he was laughing.

When he came out from hiding, he had tears streaking down his face, was clutching his ribs like they hurt and was trying to keep a smile off his face. I smirked at him and thought, what a child.

What I didn't expect was a reply. Only for you mo rún searc.

I gasped and turned to face him, only to find he was looking innocently. Maybe I imagined it, I thought to myself.

If you say so, the voice said.

I saw the smirk on his face and thought, well if that's the way you wanna play it, you can sleep on the couch while I do some.... Activities, I sent to him, sending him an image of what 'activities' I would be participating in.

I felt him go hard behind me and laughed. He brought his head to my ear and pulled on it with his teeth. "Lucien, we have company, stop it." I giggled when I saw Gabriel turn red and heard him mutter, "I'll be outside." 

Then Lucien lifted me up and carried me to my - I mean our - bedroom. 

My Demon King and I (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu