Yes, of course.  They give me motivation like no other and I love them so much for all the support they constantly give me. 

That is so true. Fans are amazing! Without their constant support, I would've given up writing a long time ago. Thank you fans for your support!

Out of all your stories, which one has been the most fun to write?

Soulless Creatures

Yeah...I can tell...I had fun reading it.

Who's your favorite Wattpad writer?

I don't have one.

That's okay. Not everyone has one.

Who would you say is your best friend on Wattpad?

I'm pretty sociable here so I'm friendly with whoever feels like talking. ☺

That's the best way to be: social. You make a lot more friends that way. :)

If they  (TV producers) decided to make a movie about your life, who would you want playing your part?

Never thought of this before haha, no clue.

Really? Well I would have Jennifer Lawrence play my part. I've been told we look a little alike. Besides we are both originally from Louisville, Kentucky.

What book are you currently reading?  Who is it by?

My university books lol, pretty pressured with studying at the moment. Just kidding.  Kids it is very important to go to college. My college starts back up January 17th.  I am so excited (for reals). 🤓🙃

Describe Soulless Creature in five words or less. 

Brooding, entrancing, and heart-warming.

Well I can totally agree with you on that. You had me hooked from chapter one.

Do you have any shout outs you want to give to any of your readers/ fans? Anyone in particular?

All of them, every single one of them. 

That is so sweet. She loves all of you (and me! I'm a fan too).

Do you believe that you create your characters or the characters create you?

I create the characters.

Why did I ask such a silly question? Of course you create your characters. *face palm*

What is the most important thing to remember when creating new characters?

That they should be different from you.

That is so true. When I give my friends advice about writing I tell them each time to not base your characters off of yourselfMake them brand new.

What is your ideal ending for yours stories? Why do you choose these kind of endings?

Happy endings. In order to remind people that no matter what negativity you face, it'll all get better eventually.

Yeah...I think everyone wants a happy ending in their life. Sometimes, though, you don't get a happy ending...I mean of course you do...sorry kids. 😅😂

What is the worst cliché story you have ever read? What was it about?

I don't mind cliché stories as long as they're entertaining.

I really can't stand clichés. They just bug me...

Do you have any advice for new writers starting off?

Be as determined as ever and you'll reach your goal.

So inspirational!  *cries a little* To all my friends and readers reading this: she is right. You will have people in your life tell you that you are good at English or writing. They will tell you to leave writing to the professionals; that you aren't good enough and you'll never make it. Well they are wrong. You are a good writer. You can become a writer and an author. You just need to set your sights on your goal and go for it. Work for it. I promise with a little -or a lot of determination - you will get there.

Name one unknown fact about yourself.

I sing.

That's awesome!  I sing too! Not very good but I sing.


Well my beautiful Riverians,  there you have it: a real  interview with the beautiful Miss @marsy7 .

I had fun conducting this interview and I hope she had fun too.

If there is a person you would like me to interview -such as yourself, a famous person on here or even a new person on here- I will gladly get it done. I will do whatever it takes to get that interview. XD

Once again thank you all for taking the time to read this interview and thank you @marsy7 for your time.



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