Diambow 15

232 9 0

Please be the rainbow when the rain goes away

It was two days before Nijimura have to leave for his flight. Tomorrow was the day that the third years have to graduate. The both of you scroll around campus, not saying a word. You were smiling but your insides have emotions scattering. "I think I can handle years without you. As long as you don't forget me again."

"I won't. I promise." Nijimura assuring you once more.

"I'm not alone. If you're alive, I can wait forever. Even if that means to wait for you in the next life. Because as long as you're alive, then I know we'll see each other again. I can't be depressed." you tell him. 

"Stop being so strong. And don't kill me off. I already said I won't forget."

"Are you sure about that..?" you puff your cheeks.

"I will." he pats your head, laughing. His smile fades away, "I can't forget the person I love, especially not you."

"Congratulation for being graduating!" you said. You glare at him, pointing at the boy, "You promise you will take pictures right?! And no flirting with girls!"

"I will and won't."

"Which one is it?" you pout.

"I wish time can last forever." Nijimura admits. "But I want my dad to be okay too. Sorry I can't stay."

"No, it's alright." you tell him. You hold out your pinky finger. "Just don't forget me. That's all I ask."

"I won't." he interlocks your finger, promising. "Because I love you."

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me.
I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.
"We both made our vow to bind our fate. And so thus we say "I do" together." -
Lyrics belong to DenZero

Kuchizuke Diamond [Nijimura Shuuzo]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora