Diambow 10

238 11 2

Please be the rainbow when the rain goes away

"(L/N)!" Nijimura grabs onto your wrist. "Are you avoiding me?"

After the so-called date, Nijimura took his siblings home as a request you made. You didn't blame for Komaki for crying or Eiichiro to be silent while showing a sad look on his face. It was only natural. You went home with a smile afterwards.

"I'm not." you replied, blankly. "I don't get why you're worried about me. Everyone leaves eventually. I was just surprised." Nijimura still look hesitant which makes you laugh, "It's okay Senpai. I'm not angry. Moving away is way out of your power right? Let's make good memories before you leave." you made a fist to assure him that you were okay but his concerned look was still plastered on his face, "Um.. I got to go meet Komugii-chan and Kise-kun. See you later, maybe?"

After you were out of Nijimura's sight, Kakone walks up to Nijimura, crossing her arms. "What did you do to my friend?"

"My siblings told her I'll be moving." Kakone drops her hands. "It's my fault for not telling her. I think she's avoiding me now."

"You should clear up the situation and make up."

"Do you know the reason why she's like this?" Nijimura asks.

"Who knows. That's for you to find out on your own. Anyway good luck." she taps his shoulder and ran up to catch up to you. Nijimura looks at his hand as if he finished making a shot in basketball, making a fist. He starts running through the hallways and spots you in your group of friends. He grabs your wrists, causing you to jump with surprise, "Senpai!"

"Can I talk to you?" Nijimura asks. You look at your group first then to Nijimura, slowly nodding.

"Yeah.." you responded looking down. He continues to hold your wrist, dragging you outside where the two of you were alone. You thought it was embarrassing along the way with the way people were watching you but Nijimura's grip was only tight that you couldn't say anything about it.

"Um.." he said, scratching his cheek with his finger. "I just want to clear something up. It's true that I'm going to America and I wasn't planning to keep it a secret or anything, I just-"

"Shouldn't you be worried about yourself, senpai?" you asks, confused.


"I mean you were the one who confess. Are you thinking of staying in Japan because of me?" you asks. "I mean--your siblings..."

"(L/N), do you want me to leave?" Nijimura asks.

"You're terrible, senpai." Nijimura looks at you with a confused look as you glare at him, "What kind of friend would say that they want their friend to leave?"

Nijimura laughs. "I'm glad." he said, looking away. "Is it okay if you could wait for me to come back to Japan? I'm going to America because of my dad's health. Once my dad gets better, I'll come back."

"What if I fall in love by that time?"

"Then I'll make you fall in love with me again. Simple as that." Nijimura said, blankly. You look at him, irritated, glaring at him murderously.

"Let's just stop this already." you tell him. "I don't want to hear such cheesy words from you anymore."

"Eh? Cheesy?" Nijimura asks. You started to walk away, feeling angry. Nijimura quickly ran up in front of you. Your head was facing the ground with your hands balled up into a fist. "(L/N)!"

"Stop it already! Don't make me fall in love with you more then you already did!" you yelled. "How can I wait for you? That's selfish! How long will you make me wait? You- Kakone-chan- Mom- Dad- everyone will either leave or already left. Everyone I will love with leave me." You look up to see the shock Nijimura. "Do you get it now?"

Nijimura hugs you, smiling happily. You were red, confused. "I'm happy." You were even more bewildered as soon as he let those words out, "I can't believe it! (L/N) said she's in love with me!" Question marks appear in front of your head, "I won't forget."

"How would you know, idiot? You already did once."

"We'll meet again. And once we do, you'll make me fall in love with you again." Nijimura smiles, coming closer to your face. He kisses you which you happily returned.

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me.
I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.
"Don't let me hear those words."- Lyrics belong to DenZero

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