Diambow 5

329 13 1

Please be the rainbow when the rain goes away

"(L/N). Let's walk home." Nijimura asks, looking like his usual self.

"You don't have practice today, senpai?" you inquired as you raise a brow. You crossed your arms, furrowing your eyebrow.

"Nope. We have a break again this week. Our coach doesn't want us to overwork ourselves." Nijimura answers, ruffling up your hair. "Can I take her?" he asks Kakone. She nods, already figuring out something like this might happen. "Well that's that."

You sighed and frowned. "I can't walk home with you today."

"Eh, why?" he asks, already pushing you outside the entrance. You looked up, staring at his dark eyes. You looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. You started to walk ahead and then turn around to face the upperclassmen.

"I have a job." you answered, blankly. You turn around to continue your walk. "I don't mind if you follow me though."

The upperclassmen only scoffs and continues to walk behind you. He continues to walk behind you only to gaze at your back. When he was satisfied, Nijimura walks right next to you and smiles. There was a shock look written on your face but you continued to walk without saying a word.


"You work at a family restaurant?" Nijimura asks as you walk inside.

"Mm." you nod, opening the back door. "Oh. You go in the front. I can't let anyone unemployed in here."

"Okay." he scratches the back of his head with frustration and heads inside the small shop.

"Welcome! Table for one?"

"Ah.. yes." Nijimura answers, nervously.

"Tell me when you want to order." the employee bows and turns around to service another customer. I wonder if (L/N) can be the one to service me. Nijimura scoffs and smiles. He tries to wipe the smile off but he looks down even grinning even more.

More then a couple of minutes past--Nijimura had already ordered and was getting a bit impatient. As a waiter comes by to pick up his dish, he stops the waiter to ask where you were. "(L/N)-san? She's in the back, cooking. Were you waiting all this time? Do you want to come in and see her?"

"Yes, please."

You were too busy in the back, flipping eggs in the back, re-checking to see if the fire was on high or low, cutting the vegetables, and other work. Nijimura smiles, happy to see a different side to you.

"I'm finally done with my shift!" you stretched. You felt a cold bottle of soda touching your cheek. You turn around to take the bottle and look up to see the rainbow senpai smiling at you.

"You work hard today." You smiled, opening the drink.

"Thank you."

"I didn't know you could cook."

"Do you want me to make you a lunchbox?" you asks. "Or does your mom do that for you?"

"You don't have to do that. But I would like to try your cooking." The two of you walk outside to spend your break, sitting on the steps.

"Then I guess I'll make you a lunchbox. What do you like to eat?" you asks after taking a sip.

"Hmm. Just make me something edible." Nijimura said, pinching your cheek. You glare at him, sticking your tongue out, and take another sip of your drink. "By the way, why are you working here? Wouldn't a convenience store be more easier?"

"That's so clique." you answered. "They were in need for a chef so I was like why not? I need the money anyway. It has a good pay and I work every other day." You start to elbow Nijimura, changing the subject, "Are you going to leave?"

"I'm going to wait for you." You jumped, slightly blushing to his words. You started to gaze at Nijimura until he meets your eyes. "What?"

"Are you planning to stalk me home?"

"That sounds about right." the boy admits.

"You didn't have to put it that way." you glared. After your little conversation and shift was over, Nijimura did end up staying, walking you home. "Go home already! Stop following me! We're almost near my house!"

"Let me walk you the whole way." Nijimura demands.

"No thanks, you stalker." you glared. "It's dark. Your family will be worried if you come back too late! I'll see you tomorrow."

"Fine." Nijimura gives in and sigh. "You sure you'll be okay?"

"Relax-" A man started to pass by the two of you. You had felt an ominous feeling when he did passed you that you flinched and turned around.

"What's the matter?" Nijimura asks, raising an eyebrow. Your legs started running to your home, an apartment, that looks old and run-down. When you opened the door, your eyes widen.

"(L/N)! Did something-" Nijimura's eyes also widen as he finished catching his breath after catching up to you.

The room was a huge mess. You saw a lot of papers on the ground, clothes, broken glass, even the bookshelf was broken on the ground. A room that looked always clean was completely wrecked.

Nijimura who was looking at you was probably more shocked. What happened?

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me.
I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.
"No way to hard or to restart"
-Lyrics belong to DenZero

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