Diambow 8

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Please be the rainbow when the rain goes away

"I'm sorry, Nijimura-senpai." you said, looking down, blushing heavily. "I can't see you more then an upperclassmen helping their lowerclassmen or a childhood friend."

Nijimura stares at the girl and sighs. "Okay. I got it." You looked up, seeing the hand reaching out to you. You smile sadly, taking his hand as he takes you home. The two of you head back home. The atmosphere was awkward with the two having nothing to say. You continue to sweatdrop, could feel the heavy atmosphere around the two of you.

"Hey, (L/N)." Nijimura calls as you stop at your door.

"Yeah?" Nijimura struck you at the top of your head. "Ow! Why you'd do that for?!"

"For going out!" Nijimura yells. You were just about to argue back but he beat you to it, "Don't you dare go out."

"You shouldn't be stalking me anyway." you pouted.

"I was worried! And it's a good thing I did!" Nijimura yells. You looked at his hand and then to his eyes. You show a small smile, "Yeah. Thanks for helping me, Nijimura-senpai."

"It's no problem." he ruffles your head and walks out, blushing. The senpai scratches the back of his head with an irritated manner. You could only laughed, slowly closing the door, watching his back walking farther away from you. You rest your back onto the door, laying your head on the knees, wrapping you arms around them.

"Is our relationship going to be awkward now..?" you muttered out the words, wanting to bang yourself on the wall.

The next day, you were expecting for Nijimura to not talk to you or at least be upset that he got rejected but it was nothing like that at all. He walked up to you with a his usual face, bothering you and calling you. "(L/N), do you have work today?"

You didn't answer him but only gaze into his orbs. "I thought you would be moping."

"What for?" Nijimura blinks, trying to recall what happened that would made you have an awkward look on your face. He recalls the rejection and laughs, "Is that what you were worried about? I'm in love with you. Feelings don't change easily. No one told me to give up so why I should I? The only thing changed is that you know."

"You're pretty cool." you laughed back, slightly pink.

"I just have to make you fall in love with me just like that."

"And straightforward, which isn't a bad thing." you look at him, disappointed but quickly laugh right after.

Nijimura scoffs, "Let's go home now. Has your old man came back?"


"Should I stalk again?"

"Please don't." you sweatdrop. After you were safely at home, Nijimura opens the door to his house. He could hear the sound of laughter--probably his siblings playing. He walks into the kitchen and saw his mom, cooking with a smile.

"I'm home." he greeted. He walks up to his mom, who kisses him on the forehead.

"Sit yourself down. I got some news to tell you." his mom sats down on the chair in front of him and looks at the cup she was holding sadly.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen to dad?" Nijimura asks with a concern tone.

"Mm. Nothing serious though. Your dad is going to be sent to America for better care. The doctor highly recommends it." your mom explains, sounding happy. "It might be good for your father. Shuuzo.. We're moving to America."

"When?" Nijimura asks as he gulp. An image of you popped in his mind.

"After your third year in middle school, of course. What do you think?" she beams, waiting for the senpai's answer.

"That's great news!" Nijimura chuckles. Nijimura pops out an image of you, feeling uncertain.

"Ah, Shuuzo-nii, you're home, you're home!" a young girl smiles, hugging the vice captain. Another kid walks into the kitchen walks up to his older brother with a smile. "Welcome home.

"You two... Want to meet a friend of mine this weekend?" Nijimura suggests.

"A friend?"

"Yeah. I'm sure you'll like her." Nijimura nods. "So how about it? Want to meet her?"

"Yeah!" the two cheers. Nijimura's mom walk up to him and smiles.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Not yet." Nijimura admits. He slightly blush and look at him mom, bashfully.

"Introduce her to me someday." his mom laughs.

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me.
I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.

Kuchizuke Diamond [Nijimura Shuuzo]Where stories live. Discover now