
"Moa please!"

"Moa please look at me, seeing you like this is breaking me"

Yui kept begging for me to look at her I really don't want to look at her because I knew that I would start crying. So I began to talk.

Moa: yesterday...when...I....left the school I um...no she...um

I really don't want to tell her.

Yui: she?

Moa: I..No...um...well she..she k...ki..kis...

Knock* knock*

As we heard the knocking on the door Yui looked at me one last time but her face had worried written all over it. Then she got up and opened the door it was Ayami-san

Ayami: hey guys come downstairs everyone is asking for you guys especially Su

Yui: we'll be down in a minute

Ayami: okay hope I didn't interrupt something naughty hehe

Yui: hehe

As Ayami-san left I got up and grabbed a shirt out of one of my drawers and went to the bathroom. As I took my shirt off I saw that Yui was behind me. She wrapped her arms around my bare stomach hugging me from behind. Then she rested her head on my shoulder.

Yui: I don't know what happened yesterday but...we need to talk and when your ready I'll listen okay?

I just nodded slowly and I saw that through the mirror she was how can I say it well she was checking my body out. As she let go of me she gave me a kiss on my shoulder and went out of the bathroom. Giving me that kiss made my body feel all tingly and I felt my ears getting hot.

Yui: hurry okay?!

Moa: y..yes

Living room-

As I got to the living room everyone was looking at me. Then they all got up and hugged me.

Airi: I missed you, how are you?

Akaya: how are you?

Nene: hey baby girl!!

Marina: hello Moa

As everybody greeted me and hugged me I felt a little better. The last time that all of us got together was months ago. The Sakura Gakuin girls are like family to me no...there like sisters to me. Then I saw that the birthday girl came up to me and gave me a tight hug

Su: you okay I heard that you weren't feeling well?

Moa: I'm feeling a little bit better now and happy birthday

Su: thanks hehe


Su: oh Nene you never change hehe

As Su-chan left to treat Nene I looked around and I noticed that Maki-san was not here and I sighed of relief.


As everybody went home Yui, Su-chan, Ayami-san and I cleaned up the living room.

Yui: Su-chan, Ayami-san we'll clean up go home

"no I want to help"

Both of them answered but Yui insisted that she and I will clean up and that Su-chan and Ayami-san could go home but neither of them wanted to.


All three of the girls looked at me.

Yui: you okay? Are you tired?

Su: Moa if your not feeling well go to sleep

Moa: no I'm....yawn*

Ayami: Yui take her to her room

Yui: yes

Yui came up to me and grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs

"Yui come down quickly and don't do naughty things to Moa"

As we heard Su-chan yell I heard them giggling and I saw that Yui had a smile on her face.


As I laid down on the bed Yui grabbed the blanket and covered me with it. Then she sat beside me and looked at me with the most caring eyes then she placed her hand on my cheek and began to caress my cheek then she came closer to me and gave a kiss on the forehead and got up. But before she could get any further I grabbed her hand. And I said it

"She kissed me"

Those three words came out of my mouth. And all I saw was that her face changed. She had a face that was hard to describe. And she was standing there frozen in place. So I sat up.


I called her name but she wouldn't answer. Then she started to look around the room like if she was trying to distract herself but then she looked at me.


Her voice sounded sad. And I saw that she was going to lose balance so I grabbed her hand and sat her down on the bed.

"I'm sorry"

Yui: Moa w..what happened? What do you mean?

Moa: well...yesterday....................

As I told her what happened she just looked at me. I could tell that she was mad and sad. Then she looked at me and hugged me.

Yui: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm really sorry.

As Yui was hugging me tears began to stream down my face but then I saw a shadow by the door and I could hear faint sound of footsteps.

Well here's another chapter hope you've enjoyed. And sorry for updating a little late it's just that lately I don't know..it's just that I'm confused with life. Anyway this story reached 4K I'm really happy THANK YOU guys. Anyway. See You!!!!!🦊

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