He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He wanted Kise to get the two of you to introduce. It would be his chance to get to know the female.


"(L/N)." Kise calls. "Come over here." You did as told and when you got to the door, you see Nijimura in front of your class. You looked at him for a moment and hide behind Kise. "This is Nijimura-senpai. He said he wanted me to introduce the two of you."

"I'm Nijimura Shuuzo." You blinked and then made an annoyed expression.

"Kise, you betrayed me." you tell him. You both heard an "eh?" from Kise but ignored the comment as you turn to Nijimura. "I'm (L/N) (Y/N)."

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" Nijimura asks, shyly.

"No." you refused, stepping back as if you were on your guard. "If you have something to say to me, say it to me here." Nijimura sighs, letting out a small tch. He slightly blush looking at the people around the two. He bows which suddenly made everyone including you and Kise surprised, thinking it was a confession. 

"Please be my friend." you look at him surprised with your mouth open wide.

"I decline." you said, walking back to your friend. Nijimura looks at the female, not wanting to give up on the girl. He clenches his hand, giving up for the day. 

"Wasn't that the captain from the basketball team?"

"I don't know that guy."

"But to think a senpai bow down and ask you if you want to be friends with him. That's sort of unnatural. Maybe he likes you."

"That's impossible. I don't even know him." you scoffed. You watch as Nijimura walks out of the classroom, feeling frustrated with himself. 

The bell rang and lunch was over.


Nijimura lets out another huge sigh. "Onii-chan, what's wrong?" Nijimura's sister asks.

"You don't like the new house?" Nijimura's mother asks.

"No it's not that. I like it here. It's close to dad's hospital. Just some girl at school." the rainbow senpai answers.

"Girlfriend?" his mom asks, putting her hand over her mouth, looking surprised. 

"No. Just-" He was going to call you a friend but remembers that you had rejected his friendship which makes the upperclassmen gloomy again. His mother raise an eyebrow and sighs, "Shuuzo, if you have time to mope around go pack your stuff in your room and pick up Ryuga."

"Right, right." Nijimura says, heading upstairs to his new room. When he finished packing, Nijimura goes to pick up his little kid brother.

"How was school?" Nijimura asks.

"It was fine. You didn't had to pick me up." his little brother answers, blankly. Nijimura always worried for his little brother since he was only in primary school. He didn't want his brother to be affected due to his father in the hospital. He knew that Ryuga was only trying to be strong but he doesn't want his young little brother to worry so much. 

"Mom would be worried since we move to a new house. What if you don't know the way, haha.." Nijimura smiles, looking at his little brother, who was holding onto his hand.

"What about you, Shuuzo-nii?"

"It's okay, I guess." Nijimura then sees (Y/N) walking in front of him, holding two grocery bags--one on her left and one on her right. Nijimura walks a little faster to catch up to you and stands in front of you.

"Shuuzo-nii..?" Ryuga looks at you then to his brother. (Y/N) looks surprised to see Nijimura's little brother and then when she glances to the power forward, she narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing Senpai?" you ask with a firm voice. You gasp, backing away. "You aren't stalking me are you?"

"I moved around here. This is my little brother Ryuga." 

"Senpai, I need to go home and start cooking." you took a step to the left but Nijimura steps in front of you. When you try to step to the right, Nijimura does the same. A tick mark appeared from the back of your head as you grind your teeth. "Senpai, I have fish and vegetables that need to be put in the refrigerator right away."

"I'll walk you home. Where do you live?" he tries to take the bag away from you but you quickly step back once again, protecting your bag.

"You don't have to do it. I don't need help. Take your brother home." you tell him.

"Onii-chan, do you like this girl?" Ryuga asks.

"No!" you and Nijimura both yells.

"Why are you saying no?" Nijimura asks you. You blush, walking off but Nijimura steps in front of you.

"Senpai! Please stop! I told you, I don't want to be friends with you! I really hate you so leave me alone!" you gasp, feeling bad about what you said but you didn't want him to know. You started to run home.

"Shuuzo-nii, you okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Just shocked." Nijimura stones. "Sorry you have to see such a thing."

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me. 

I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.

"Never, I won't cry" you said. A secret promise we both made. You and I, until we die." -Lyrics belong to DenZero

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