lifestyle goals on 2017

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A bit before time buuuut just came to my mind at this BEAUTIFUL time of the day. Yeah. I'm being attacked by mosquitoes and I'm still writing this. OMG I'M SO ALEXANDER HAMILTON! Didn't he ever got mosquito bites from being up so early? Probably not, 'cause mosquitoes WEREN'T SUCH A PEST BACK THEN AS THEY ARE NOWADAYS. Ugh.
So, going back to my topic, I have a few goals for this upcoming year which I wait for with kind of excitement but anxiety at the same time. I'm happy 2017 is coming, it's bringin' good things folks. Anxiety 'cause... Well, idk, most of my lovely *cough* wolfish *cough* problems started somewhere by January. There's always this guy who's just so. ready. to get a girlfriend, they see me forever alone in the darkness of my emo pit and they're like:


(Squirrel): *weeps and sobs in the pit for who knows what stupid reason*

(Boy): Yo girl I'm ____, wanna talk?

(Squirrel): K

They start talking to me, they listen, they're cute with me, we go out, we end up kissing out for only heaven knows why and then.... They get tired. After the kissing and curling, I  KNOW they realize I'm not:
1) their type. Screwed. Types. BURN THEM LIKE ELIZA'S LETTERS! ASDFGJKL!
2) old enough. This one... Just happened twice to me, and I can accept this one quite fine.
3) too sticky for them to handle. Look, I'm one bunch of cotton candy sweetness when I like a guy, so notice that on my freaking messages or you'll be disappointed and probably smacked in the face.
Or I'm simply the girl they want as the hot/cute/sweet friend who THIRD WHEELS EACH ONE OF THEIR EXISTENCIAL ANGUISHING DATES. ASDFGHJLL GONNA BURN Y'ALL!

Uh... Yeah... Goals... Yeap.
Here comes a list (I kinda like making lists sometimes. It's relaxing. Sometimes.) They're in no specific order of priority or whatsoever. Just giving away ideas.

• Make a good stock of old, classic and political/historical books. Have them all in physical. *cough* The Federalist Papers *cough*

• Get. A. JOB.

• Make DIY school stuff so I don't have to buy that much (Here in Latin America, we started "summer vacations" just past month. We restart in mid-February)

• Restart surfing. Supposedly, restarting something I liked but stopped doing should help boost my good moods and energy ;-; or so I read.

• Get a bike. Uh-huh.

• Start working out and exercising more. Huh, I even downloaded an app for that :D (it's Fit Girls Guide, found it on Instagram and decided I would take the challenge. It's 2017 coming up. First time I'm so warmed up for a new year)

• Eat a bit more healthy (I do eat healthy, I just wanna improve that)

• Stop being so irritable and such a brat, especially with my grandma (yeah I'm such an inmature little kid sometimes 😢 sorry GM)

• Concentrate to a 60% more to my studies. Like, getting real high grades (not my bad-tasting 76's), really study for my exams, learn to not procrastinate, prioritize correctly. Being a good and saint child of God. OK, last one isn't quite possible but yeah, that's what I mean.

• Stop thinking so much about if guys are interested in me. It sounds so.. Ugh. I really, really wanna stop that. Behinds, it just distracts me from school and puts me in a bad mood. Over thinking, girls, it's not healthy. But it's worse over thinking because of boys. Let's stop dat. #GirlBrainsAreUseful.

• Cook more frequently. I know, sounds stupid, but I really wanna do it. Idk why.

• Spend less time on the electronic stuff, doing things like sketching, playing with poor Ron, bothering Abril, looking at my grandma's gorgeous garden, kill ants, cook, read on physic.... Yeah, I just have to make time for it.

• Get my eye check ;-; I know I'll need glasses.

• Finish my Russian course (yeah... I'm taking Russian classes "^^ I like a lot Russia(ns) so yeah, why not take on the challenge and try to learn their language? )

• Find good animes to watch and watch 'em. But like, not gore type or fantasy stuff, I'm kinda tired of those. Please. If you can, recommend me some. I die slowly over here!

• Change a bit my wardrobe. My style needs a change for the year.

• Drink more coffee when I should, not at 8pm. Ugh. Why does this keep happening to me?!

• Have better and more constructive friendships. Delete from my life those toxic people who always throw trouble at me or just put me in dark moods the whole time. Fix good friendships that got forgotten due to the pass of time.

• Get a fresh, not-cringy beginning this year. Please. I cringed soooo badly rewinding some memories from January-March 2016. Oh. My. Freaking. God. I wanted to kill myself.

That's it! I guess that's today's little rant! Commenting advice: select one of my goals and comment in it what could I add to it. Feel free to take some of this and make them yours, they're copyright free!

Love for today;
Squirrely, the author.

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