Chapter 12- The Rooftop

Start from the beginning


Six minutes later Cam was carrying me across the compound, ignoring the inquisitive looks sent our way. "Thank God they've got taxi's down here," he said as we approached the compound's Air and Land Transportation Area, or ALTA, as us trainees liked to call it.

"Think your arms are going to get tired? Because I have absolutely no intention of walking," I said, and Cam flashed me a smile. "I could do this all day. After you, my lady," he said as he  set me down, opened the door to the taxi and bowed deeply.

I slid into the stiff leather seats, and Cam followed suit, closing the door behind me. "Where to?" The taxi driver said in a gruff voice. "The busiest street around," Cam said, and I looked at him inquisitively.

He met my gaze with a smirk, excitement flashing through his eyes. "Today, Gracie Roberts, we are going to have fun."

And fun we did have. We spent the entire morning wandering around London, taking pictures, and just talking. By lunchtime we found ourselves deep in the heart of London sitting at an outdoor cafe, taking in the view.

"Not only does everything here look amazing, but everything tastes amazing too," I said as I bit into my sandwich, savoring the taste of it.

"Too true. Just wait for tonight, I know some pretty good Italian restaurants around here," he said.

"I can hardly wait. Is there anything in this city we haven't seen yet?"

"Loads of things. Shops, museums, streets to explore... you name it, we haven't seen it yet."

"A raunchy night club?" I said jokingly, and he nodded. "That night club was nothing. I've seen worse. Nice dancing, by the way," he said wiggling his eyebrows, and I swatted his arm.


"How am I perverted? All I did was take in my surroundings," he smirked. "I wonder if Raj and Theo have figured out that we left the compound yet," I thought aloud, and a moment later I heard Cam's phone buzz.

"Speak of the devil. It's Theo," he said as he answered the call. "Yo Theo, what's up?....Yeah, Gracie and I went to explore London for the day.... Yeah, we'll be out here till ten probably.... Alright. See you soon," Cam said as he ended the call.

"He wanted to know where we were. He and Raj are going to meet us two blocks from here in thirty minutes." We silently finished up our food, continuing to gaze absentmindedly at the people walking by us.

"Where to next?" I said, setting down my napkin and stretching my arms to the sky. "There's a really good ice cream place on the corner. Want to stop? My treat," he said, and I nodded as we stood up and walked out of the cafe back onto the streets.

"Wait, how are you going to carry me while eating ice cream?" I asked, and after a moments hesitation he smirked.

"Easy," he said as he picked me up and started towards the ice cream place. "I'm going to carry you, and you are going to hold my ice cream for me."

"Who said I was going to do that?"

"I did. Or else, I always could just..." he trailed off in thought as he pretended to drop me again and I yelped loudly, startling several people around me.

I swatted his arm and he laughed as he continued to carry me down the street and around the corner, both of us oblivious to the many judgmental looks tossed our way.


Trying not to drop two cones of ice cream while being carried is a lot harder than you'd think, especially when you're eating one and trying to feed the other to the person carrying you.

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