World 4 Level 3- Heroes' Nightmares, Part Two

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No! he ran over and thought at her, as loudly as he could. No! You're the one that taught me to not just put up with slavery! Why are you coming back?!?

She gave him a strange look. Why wouldn't I want to come back? This is where I belong. We're just Waddle Dee. It's not our job to be the heroes, let The Pink Devourer and Scary Sword Man do that. We're meant to serve! she finished in a gleeful mental shout. All the other Waddle Dee roared their approval.

He shook his head, quickly at first, but then slower and slower. She had a point. He could never be a hero. He began to shiver in fear and sadness. Waddle Dee could only be Waddle Dee. He had always known that, deep inside of him somewhere. He had wanted to be a hero, but Waddle Dee couldn't really do that. Even Sakura had eventually agreed, so why shouldn't he? You're right, he thought mournfully. Let's get serving. The Waddle Dee cheered again, as his worst fear came to life before his eyes. He had quit fighting.

What felt like days (but in reality was a couple of hours) went slowly past, as he continued to serve. Every so often, he felt sad and scared, like something wasn't right, like he was supposed to be somewhere else. But even that slowly began to fade away.

Until one 'day,' when something weird happened. All the Waddle Dee seemed almost bored. This can't possibly be his worst fear. He just quit. It wasn't fun or anything, he heard one of the others thinking. When he gave it a strange look, it shrugged apologetically at him and waddled off.

This is my worst fear? Just that I'm forced to resume serving? he thought, then mentally exclaimed in joy, Dude! I'm pretty brave! Who says I can't be a hero?

He suddenly remembered where he actually was. I'm in the cave. I bet some monster is trying to scare me. Well, too bad, monster! I'm not really scared of much of anything! He laughed and laughed in his head. This isn't real! It's just the worst nightmare you dumb monster could find to give me! For I am... he paused, then sang out in his head, superhero-style, BANDANA DEEEEEE!

The castle faded away, leaving him in the cave again. Quickly noticing the way out and that he had his spear and bandana again, he joyfully ran out, then did a victory dance.

Meta Knight flew down out of a tree. "So, you are the third one out?" he asked.

Bandana Dee nodded proudly.

"Well, if you are happy now, it cannot have been too frightful. But it has been hours since Kirby came out..." he frowned deeply to himself. "Did you really take that long, or did Sakura give up before it found you?"

Bandana Dee just shrugged at him, having no way of answering.

"I have to find her," he declared, walking back into the cave. Without turning back, he ordered, "You and Kirby stay here!"


Sakura shivered in the cold, dark cave. She had been wandering for hours and hours, trying to find her way out. (Of course, we know she couldn't, because she had been waiting for her turn to face her worst fear. It wasn't her fault Bandana had taken such a ridiculously long time, after all.)

"Face it, Sakura," she sighed, sitting down against the wall. "You're lost."

The monster blew past her, and she jumped up and drew her sword.

Muttering softly, it told her, "You're the last of the four."

"Did the others make it? Or did you defeat them, whatever you are?" she asked angrily. "Answer me!"

It ignored her. "Your old worst fear was being swallowed by the little pink hero, but now, you have different fears. Failure, rejection, still having a Waddle Dee's memory, being completely and totally alone. But which is your worst nightmare?"

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 1: Kirby and the Monstrous Lightning (OLD)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα