World 4 Level 2- Heroes' Nightmares, Part One

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Meta Knight was calmly walking around, completely oblivious to the fact that he was wandering in pointless circles. His sword drawn and ready to attack, he finally found a door. "Here we are," he sighed. "Hopefully the others have not found their way out before me."

He opened the door and walked in, and was astonished to find himself in his bedroom at the castle. "How can this be?" he questioned, confused. Opening the door again, he found that it led into the castle hallway now, not the cave. "This does not make sense..." he whispered, then frowned. His face felt strangely... light. He turned to a mirror, then nearly had a heart attack. "Where is my mask?!?" he gasped, then began frantically searching for it.

There was a tap at the door. "Meh-uh Nait ugg raffen sanbo!" Blade's voice said.

"Yeah, what he said," Sword's voice agreed. "We need you, right now, sir."

"Please, wait just a moment. I am terribly busy," Meta Knight ordered, trying to remain calm. None of this made the least bit of sense. He had been in the cave, looking for a way out. How had he appeared here, and where could his mask have possibly have gone?

"It's urgent, sir," Sword tried again.

"Please, Sword. I said I was busy," Meta Knight snapped, tearing the room apart.

"Too busy to save Dreamland?" Sword pointed out, then after he heard a crash from inside, added, "Are you all right, sir?"

"Meska tuff ruff cossen?" Blade asked, sounding concerned.

"I have been better," he admitted, getting more and more frightened.

"I'm coming in there," Sword announced.

"No! Do not! I order you not to!" Meta Knight shouted, but enter they did.

"Kirby?" Sword asked, confused. "Where's Meta Knight? Why are you in his cloak? And why are you blue?"

"I am not Kirby, you fool. I am Meta Knight. I seem to have misplaced my mask. Help me find it!" he pleaded.

The two stared at him for a second, then collapsed in laughter. "And we were actually scared of you?!?" Sword managed to gasp out.

"Har har dee maro tenn!" Blade agreed.

Meta Knight frowned. "Quit laughing at me. Just because I am adorable does not mean I can no longer best you in a swordfight." He pulled his cloak around himself in an attempt to warp away, but quickly discovered it wouldn't work. "Why is this? What is this madness?"

DeDeDe appeared, stomping mad. "All right, what is this ruckus about? It's the middle of the night, for cryin' out loud! Why, I-" he saw Meta Knight, who tried to duck his head in shame, but failed, seeing as how he was basically all head. "Why is Kirby blue?"

"That's not Kirby!" Sword guffawed, managing to stand back up. He paused for a second, then gasped out, "That's Meta Knight!" He collapsed back onto the floor again, still laughing.

"Wait, you're Meta Knight?" DeDeDe asked, disbelievingly.

"Yes," Meta Knight almost whispered, his eyes looking at the ground. "I have dreaded this day for a very long time. Even now, I am not prepared for it."

DeDeDe stared for a second, then joined the laugh-fest. Running out of the room, he yelled, "Escargoon! Waddle Dee! Somebody get me my camera!"

"Is there any way this could get worse?" Meta Knight sighed, rubbing his forehead with one hand.

An exhausted looking Sakura walked in, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?" she yawned, then added, "Huh? Kirby? Why are you in Meta Knight's room?"

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 1: Kirby and the Monstrous Lightning (OLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon