World 3 Level 4- Unexpected by the Ancients

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Well, it wasn't exactly dawn.

It was the beginning of the day, that bit was true, but the amount of sun shining through the dismal clouds was even less than it had been the day before. She shuddered a bit as Meta Knight woke up and flew down to join her on the ground.

"Good morning," she said softly, still staring at the sky.

"Is it a good morning?" he asked hypothetically, looking at the clouds in concern as well.

"I don't know. It's so ominous, isn't it?" she murmured, then glanced over at him. "It cleared enough to let the starlight through last night, and the clear skies lasted most of the night. Is he trying to trick us, or does he have to sleep?"

"I am not sure. Either way, we need to discover where he is hidden as soon as is possible. Everyday, the clouds cover more of our land," he sighed almost silently. "I am sorry you had to give up your... family, for this."

She gave him a 'smile.' "I don't regret that in the least, Sir Knight. I am proud to serve Dreamland, and also to fight alongside three of Dreamland's greatest heroes."

"And when we return someday soon, you will be a hero as well," he reminded her, his eyes flashing between a content hue and a concerned shade of blue.

She nodded, then suddenly asked, "Do your eyes change color when your mask is off, or does your mask do that so that people can tell what you're feeling when your face is hidden?"

He moved his gaze from the atmosphere to her, his eyes yellow now. "No, actually, they do not. But what does that matter?"

She shrugged. "I was just curious. I've wondered that for as long as I can remember."

"I have wondered something about you, myself," he admitted. "Can you still remember as far back as you could a year ago? Or several years from now, will you have forgotten this very conversation?"

"That's a question I've asked myself quite a few times," she told him. "I don't think that'll be the case, though. I still remember when Kirby arrived, and that's about as far back as I could remember before."

"I see," he said. Watching the sky again, he added, "We should probably wake the two small ones soon. If we make as good of time as we did last night, it will be very likely that our arrival in Cookie Country will be before sun-fall." He shook his head, "If we can tell sun-fall from night, which is a fact I am unsure of."

Flying up into the tree, she gently shook the small ones awake, trying to sound cheerful. "Come on, you two. Time to get going. Up and at 'em!"

Kirby blinked his blue eyes open. "Mornin', poyo," he yawned, while Bandana Dee gave her a 'smile' to show he was ready to go.

"Grab some fruit out of the tree for breakfast," she told them, flying up and picking a few of the apples for herself and Bandana Dee, then tossed some down to Meta Knight.

"I think you will find yourself regretting that decision," he told her, putting the fruit in his pack to eat when he was alone and could safely remove his mask.

"How so? This tree isn't Whispy Woods, is it?" she asked nervously.

His eyes glowed an amused green. "No, but Kirby will have it empty before you can say-"

Kirby starting inhaling before he could finish his sentence, leaving the tree barren of all but a few leaves. "Kirby," Meta Knight finished, his voice shaking in barely controlled laughter.

Sure enough, that was the next word out of her mouth. "Kirby!" she shouted, then groaned. Handing a few apples to Bandana Dee, she sighed, "At least we got some."

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 1: Kirby and the Monstrous Lightning (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now