

It had been one of the most miserable flights of my life, Jacob paced back and fourth in stony silence, silent tears of pain leaking from his eyes; he didn't bother trying to compose himself, he wanted everyone to know his pain.

Edward had left a little while ago, not able to cope with the despairing thoughts of Jacob, he wanted me to go too but I told him I wanted to stay with Jacob.

He was finding a car to take us to Volterra, He had left me and Jacob in the airport lounge, another private room, one of the perks of being rich. Although I knew he was worried about me; leaving me alone with a unstable werewolf didn't exactly make his day.


He looked up from where he was huddled up in the corner of the room, looking strangley child-like.

"-I need her. Bella. It's killing me."

He gripped the side of a chair and I heard it snap from the tension in his fingers. His eyes were swollen with tears and his hands were red and raw from punching the wall. He stood from his corner and I was once again in awe of his size, as I had always been; quite easily he dominated me.

"I don't know...how my heart is still beating. It feels shattered. I can't.. I can't live without her"

He put his head in his hands, as more tears streamed from his hazel eyes.

"-I don't see the point in existing anymore.. Without her. I'm nothing."

I felt my heart break for him in that moment. To anyone this might look petty, insane even, but what they hadn't lived through they would never understand. I knew the pain in Jacob's eyes, I knew the power of such love. Edward and I were soulmates, and I can't go a day without him, I can't imagine life having meaning without him. I know this, I've lived through such despair, I know the true meaning of heartache; Jacob had found his soul mate. His other half, the woman made just for him, the heart that was his, and had her taken from him the minute he found her. The agony he felt cannot be done justice by words.

It was as if his soul had shattered.

I took his hands in my own, they were large and rough, worn, tired hands for a tired soul.

"Look at me Jacob."

I whispered softly.

He raised his eyes from the floor and looked into my gaze.

"She will come back."

I said this with such certainty. As if I knew the fates desires, as if I had planned it all myself.

He nodded slowly trying to believe me.

"She is meant for you. She will come back."

I said this slightly louder and he blinked twice, the tears stopping, this knowledge healing him slightly.

"I can feel her heart-beat."

He said, his eyes full of deeper sorrow then I had ever wittnessed.

"She's upset, distressed, worried, confused, hurt, angry..."

He trailed off as he inspected this new part of his being, this connection so new to him, yet already so well known. -And then his eyes widened. His large hands gripping mine more tightly.

"She's fading. Bella! I can't feel her!"

He was panicked, hysterical, he looked ready to scream.

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