Part 22 [PREVIEW]

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Heyyy xx

So, unfortunately we are down to weekends only 4 uploads :P which SUCKS.

I really am starting to despise exams, but what can you do, school is apparently needed lol x

So on with the story. I left it on quite a cliffhanger last time because Im mean like that lol

Hope you like this chappy it would mean a real lot if you would comment xx

Vote and fan too if you can x


PS- I have put all rights reserved on all my chapters and stories so please dont try and copy them.


pps- for anyone who is going to point out that alice cant see werewolves, I just want to tell you in my alternitive one she can because it is important to the plot x




I stood in the middle of our front garden, the scent of blossom trees almost overpowering as they fought with the harsh autumn wind, fighting the change of season, their soft pink petals riding the breeze like sails on a ship.

I took in an unneeded breath and closed my eyes. Stress gripped my shoulders in an iron vice as I searched the future for Jacob; my body fought the gift, it begged me to open my eyes and stop the unnatural sensation of searching the unknown.

I let out a frustrated growl when I could see nothing.

Jacob was being blocked from my view.

I felt Jasper's strong hands encircling my small waist from behind.

His breath tickled my ear and I relaxed slightly; his touch sending a warm sensation throughout my petite body.

I opened my mouth to speak but he spun me around in a quarter of a second and crushed his soft lips to mine; silencing me.

We didn't stop kissing for a long time, neither of us needing a breath and neither of us ever wanting to let go.

I felt the corners of my eyes burn with unshed tears as I held this beautiful man in my arms, I needed to protect Bella, who was more of a sister to me than Rose had ever been, but the feeling of terror I felt when I thought of Jazz in danger was killing me inside.


He shook his head as he sensed the turmoil of emotions running through me.

"I'm staying."

I felt dread descend on me at his words, but it lifted quickly under Jasper's control.

His grip on me tightened as night smothered us and the the trees around us became menacing, their branches claw-like as they shook in the urgent night breeze.

"He's close..."

I nodded in agreement; already I could smell the faint odour of wet dog in the air. I gave Jasper another panicked look. He could run, leave without me. I needed to keep him safe whatever the cost.

"Get behind me."

I urged him to leave with my eyes but he simply gently tucked me behind him. I peeked over his muscled shoulder and waited for the inevitable.

I felt Jasper stiffen as Jacob's large figure emerged from the damp evening mist. His walk was strange; almost robotic, his usual heavy stumble replaced with cold certain steps; his large feet finding purchase on the muddy ground easily.

Time seemed to move backwards as he walked towards us.

Everything was so painfully slow that I had to clench my fists to stop myself from running to meet him; his approach too slow for me to bear.

He finnaly stopped a meter or so away from us. I looked into his brown eyes and expected to see a killer in them, someone who was capable of murdering the girl he once loved.

Instead I saw fear; so cold and pitiful I had to look away, confusion masking my features as Jasper placed a reassuring hand on my arm. I realised I had taken a step towards Jacob in my haste to finish the deadly approach.

"Where is Bella."

His voice was dead; lifeless.

I didn't give him an answer; instead I threw my marble body at him, letting my instincts take over; knowing one bite would kill him instantly.

I stopped short when a sharp granite elbow smacked into my jaw, the impact sent a crack running along my cheek and finishing at my cheekbone. My cheek ached with pain and I clutched the right side of my face, the pain began to fade as my marble skin repaired itself.

I looked up at the owner of the punch and hissed.

The vampire was female; her hair was a dark red like cherry skin, her body was long and slender, clothed in ugly traveling clothes and sneakers, her full lips were pulled up into a cruel grin as she surveyed the damage to my face; her blood red eyes were lit up in amusement as Jasper snarled at her, running at unnatural speed to my side, his body tensed in the familiar battle postition.

She draped an arm around Jacob's shoulders and I watched him shudder at her touch but not move. He resumed his lifeless expression as she pulled him towards us.





:D X

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