Chapter Twelve: Clues and Baby Blues

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Sonic sighed, so far Eggman still refused to say anything. "He has to know who did it... or at least know something!" He scanned through folders about this case, everything from day one. He wrote down some of his own notes; after each item, he wrote a question after.

1. Drug affects mental state. (How did they get their hands on this drug)?
2. Red fur found at crime scene. (Who has red fur with a criminal record)?
3. Rouge's gang gave money to Eggman. (Why)?
4. Eggman spied on Princess Sally. (Was it only for money)?

That was all Sonic could come up with. "Maybe I'll ask Amy about it later. She's much better at these things." Sonic scratched his head and looked up at the ceiling. "I hope she's doing oka-"


He turned his head to see Amy had thrown the doors open and was scanning the room. "Ah! Sonic, I found you!" She smiled and walked over to him with a grin. His mind couldn't decide what to feel. Anger, happiness, worry, relief, they all swirled around in his brain. Each second a new emotion racing to the lead; to be the main emotion.

"Amy? What are doing here? I thought you were at the hospital-"

"You think a silly hospital can hold me in?" Amy asked, laughing at Sonic's astonishment. "Ames, you have to get back. How did you even-?" Sonic was cut off when Amy planted her lips on his. Her sudden kiss left Sonic surprised. "A-Amy..." Sonic tried to continue scolding her, but he couldn't get a word out. He felt himself drawn to the kiss. It was delectable, irresistible, unstoppable. 

A few eyes started to notice the couple as Sonic got pulled deeper in the kiss. "A crowd is forming..." he thought warily, Amy pulled out of the kiss and smiled at him. "I won't deny that was... miraculous, but you have to go, Amy. You could get hurt or even worse!" Amy narrowed her eyes, giving him a hurt and upset expression. "Don't do that, Amy. You know it's for your safety." Sonic explained to her. However, abruptly Amy spoke, her voice and expression changed. "Oh! You wrote some notes!" Amy snatched to notes away from him and looked over them. "I've got this, you just stay here a second."

Sonic was so surprised by her demeanor and attitude, he actually listened to her. He stood there and watched as she was instructed to Eggman's question room. It wasn't until she was already in there that he snapped out of it. He growled at himself for being so dumb and went to the next-door room, which had a oneway mirror. He listened carefully, and watched carefully as Amy begun her interrogation.

"So, you're Eggman?" Amy asked, smiling at him friendly. "Look, I've already told your partner everything I know! I don't-"

Amy slammed her hands on the table, making Eggman shut up and jump back in freight. "Listen here, you fat, poor excuse for swine! You think this is some game? Some cheap joke to get attention? You had attention, but then you got locked up, right? You were a dirty cop... and your pals were getting attention while you rotted! If you don't tell me what I want to know, I can promise no one will ever hear your name, no one will even know who you are! You're nothing... just another sack of useless meat!"

Sonic was shocked at Amy's dramatic change of attitude. She went from cute to ferocious. It scared him a bit too, and he was behind protective glass.

"First, Eggman, what were your exact reasons for stalking Princess Sally?"

"M-Money, it's not easy being a retired dirty-cop. Can't get a job, can't get respect-"

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