Chapter Ten: No More, My Sweet

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The room was silent and dark, the only light was from a small candle on a table. Amy lay on the hospital cot beside Sonic, who was half-asleep in the chair next to her. His head was slumped down and his hands were holding hers. His breathing matched her own, slow and steady. While his breathing was calm, his facial expression told a different story.

His eyebrows were furrowed, his mouth frowning. He looked tense even in his sleep. Every so often he would unconsciously mumble and shift his body, but he never moved his hand.

Amy's hospital door creaked open, revealing a doctor and a nurse. They both held a lit candle, protected inside a glass jar. "Those two are still asleep?" The nurse whispered to the doctor, she had a heavy country accent. "Seems so..." the doctor hesitated and looked over the couple. "Carefully wake up the husband, bring him outside so I may have a word with him."

"Yes Sir."

Slowly, the nurse approached Sonic and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Hedgehog, please wake-" she was interrupted by his low growl. She removed her hand and from a distance, called Sonic's name. "Mr. Sonic... Mr. Sonic... Mr. Sonic-"

"Hmm... What?" He yawned, stretching his arms. "The Doctor would like a word with you, regarding your wife's condition."

Sonic was immediately up, he popped his back and sighed. "Hallway?" He asked, the nurse nodded and Sonic walked out of the room. He stepped out into the hallway and saw the doctor waiting. "Is she okay?" Sonic asked nervously. "Well... she is for right now. When we did a few tests we found out that she has some heart problems."

"Heart problems, what kind? How much will it cost? I'll pay any-"

"It's not curable, Mr. Hedgehog. Your wife went into cardiac arrest. She has a weak heart, that's all there is to it. Now, there are some guidelines to follow to make sure she doesn't go through this again."

Sonic listened carefully to each rule. He frowned and looked back at Amy's room. He was worried, and sad for Amy. "No excitement... she's basically bedridden. She isn't going to like this at all."

"-She'll be okay." The doctor interrupted, placing a hand on Sonic's shoulder. "We're just watching her right now. This might have been a one time thing, we don't know." Sonic sighed and scratched his neck. "Amy's a very adventurous woman, very energetic and free-willed. She's not going to like that I'll have to boss her around."

"She'll get used to it, she's a woman." The doctor chuckled and patted his back. "I suppose..." Sonic said and walked back into Amy's room.

The nurse had just finished checking Amy's vital signs, she checked something off on a piece of paper. "She's doing fine, right now. She'll probably be waking up soon. I've placed two pills and a glass of water beside her cot. Make sure you have her take those as soon as she wakes up." The nurse abruptly walked out, not waiting for Sonic's reply.

Amy didn't wake up until dawn. Sonic was right beside her, holding her hands. "Amy, you're up! How are you feeling?" He asked, placing a hand on her forehead. "You aren't feeling sick?"

"I'm fine, honey, I'm fine, just a little thirsty..."

"Take these, there is some water behind you." Sonic placed the pills in her hand. She popped them into her mouth and took a gulp of water. Slowly, Amy slipped back and laid down. "Still tired?" Sonic asked, pushing her quills out of her face. "Not really, I'm just... really needing to relax." She giggled softly. Sonic grinned at her and kissed her quills. "I'm happy you're okay, I was worried."

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