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Third Person's point of view.

Indra sat in the Gênin class with her younger brother, he sat in the window seat. With put him against the wall and away from his coo-coo fans. The fans usually left Indra alone as she is quick to anger if they overstep personal space boundaries. Another reason as to why Sasuke and Indra sit the way they do. She sat quietly with her arms crossed over her chest, her Haori tunic hid her hands as they crossed inside the sleeves

Her regulated Hitai-ate, was tied loosely around her neck. Her long onyx hair was pushed behind on ear on her left, so that if Sasuke spoke she'd be able to look at him without her hair obstructing her. Sasuke knew she wore two hair-ties around her wrist because she tied her hair up when she trained or did anything that involved not having her hair in the way. Her eyes were closed and she looked to be sleeping,

As her chin almost touched her chest with how low her head sat, but Sasuke knew she wasn't sleeping. "Are you training later?" he asked, his eyes shifting over to look at her, from his own seated position of leaning on his hands, propped up by his elbows on the desktop. Her aura gave off a cold and closed off feel. But he knew it and had grown accustomed to it; so he wasn't bothered by it anymore.

Her left eyebrow raising, gave Sasuke his answer, he knew she wouldn't speak so, he was reserved to the silent treatment from her. "Can I come with you?" he asked and her left eye opened and her brow furrowed. That was a no. Sighing he turned his eyes away from her and let his mind slip back into what he'd been thinking about previously. "Hey Indra!" Naruto, the resident class clown greeted.

Indra smiled and turned to look at him, a sweet but controlled smile replaced her once stoic persona. "good morning Naruto," she said and his face bloomed with blush as he sat beside her. As he usually did. Sasuke tsked as a simple greeting from the dunce was able to get his silent sister to speak and express emotion, even though he knew it was fake. It was the meaning behind it that bothered him.

The meaning being that she respected the idiot enough to greet him and be nice to him. And around Indra no one touched Naruto. They were too scared of her to even attempt it. As the energetic blonde spoke, he had all of Indra's attention. She sat at an angle to face him and had her eyes locked on him as he spoke. She is probably one of 2 people who listen to him genuinely.

Feeling an itch at the back of her throat, made Indra cough into the back of her hand, Sasuke looked at her, and Naruto stopped talking to see if she was okay. "Are you okay, Indra?" he asked and she smiled sweetly, "I'm fine," she said, but neither of them believed that, but out of respect for her they didn't push. with a quick look to Sasuke the two boys had an agreement. Around Indra there would be no fighting or arguing.

Conversation had died down when Iruka had shown up. His clipboard held in his hands as he stepped up to the podium at the front of the class. "From this day forward you are no longer mere students of ninjutsu, but full-fledged shinobi. But among the ranks of shinobi, you are mere novices, lowest of the low. Your greatest challenges all lie ahead of you," Iruka said and Indra back to her fake sleeping position.

"The next step is the assignment of official duties to you all on behalf of our village. We will begin with dividing you into 3-man squads. Each of you will be monitored by a Jonin, a more senior ninja. They will guide and coach you as you become familiar with your various assignments." Iruka finished, Indra doubted she's be placed with any of the teams made by Iruka, she is too powerful and it would hinder the ones learning.

"I made the selection, so each team would be approximately equal." he said and Naruto cried out, "Wha----t!!" but he was ignored. Indra tugged him back into his seat and he pouted silently. Indra didn't pay attention to any of the teams being listed off, until Naruto argued about being placed with Sasuke. Sasuke rolled his eyes as he already knew why he was placed with Naruto instead of maybe the only person who could tolerate him.

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