Chapter 21: Hey best friend

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A/N: so this chapter is all about her best friend Gerald. Warning: this is a boring chapter but if you have time to read, then go. No one's stopping you kekeke~ 

Sorry for being a boring authornim. I know you've been expecting for good updates but I'm giving you the opposite. Mianhe~



It was another good morning for me and behind those thick curtains I could see that sun started to shine. I changed my clothes and hurried down stairs. I was singing as I prepared my breakfast. No wonder how happy I was last night.

I felt a little bored afterwards so I called Gerald. We’ve have missed a lot of things now that he’s away. Hey, we are supposed to spend the vacation together right? I asked myself and shook my head in distress.

“Ya! Best friend!” I yelled on him.

“Why? What’s wrong?” he answered.

“Ge…gerald-shi …..” I cried but it was all fake.

“Hey! Why are you crying? Where are you now?! Tell me!” he said and started to freak out but I wasn’t answering back because I covered my mouth trying to control my laugh but didn’t succeed.

“Why are you lau..laughing?” he stopped and I didn’t controlled it anymore so I laughed hard over the phone. “Aish! You’re so naughty.” He added.

“Sorry! It’s your fault anyway!” I yelled

“What did I do wrong?” he said.

“You left me here!” now I’m really upset.

“You already have Luhan. So what’s the use of your best friend now?” he said.

I was surprised and didn’t expect that he’d say that. I thought that he was joking but he sounds really serious for me to think that way.

“Are you jealous because of Luhan?” I asked him but tried to be careful. He didn’t answer so I assumed that he is.

“Gerald, don’t be like that. You know you’re my only best friend and nothing could replace you” I reassured him but all that I heard is a deep sigh.

“When are you coming back?” I asked him

“Do you still want me to come back?” he said coldly.

“Hey! Why are you being like this….” I’m so sad that he was talking to me this way. I decided to shut up and just waited for him to talk. Now there was silence over the phone.

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