Ryder's POV

I caught Kennedy's eye and she sent me a questioning look, asking me what was going on. I shrugged in return because I had absolutely no idea either.

All of a sudden the lights turned off. We were engulfed in complete darkness.

People started yelling like immature children. Why? I'm pretty sure they've been in a dark room before.

I carefully hopped off the table I had been standing on. I heard Nick also getting off and then walking away.

Then I heard the opening and slamming shut of a door.

I reached in my pocket to get out my phone but in that moment the lights turned back on

I looked around and my eyes landed on the spot where Kennedy had been standing. Yes, had. I searched for her in the crowd but I didn't find her anywhere.

The lights got turned off again but the colourful ones got turned on and the music started again.

I sent Kennedy a text, asking where she is.

Maybe she just went to the bathroom but I have a feeling that it wasn't the case.

I saw Blake and standing against the wall and drinking out of a cup.

"Have you seen Kennedy?" I shouted over the music.

"No, why?"

"Because I can't find her."

"Have you even looked around the whole house yet?" he asked me with an 'are you an idiot' look.

I ran my hands over my face and sighed. "This house is huge! It would take forever. But I'll try." And with that I walked off and start to look through this mansion of a house.

You might be wondering, Ryder, why are you worrying so much about this girl? 

Well, sure I've been with plenty of other girl's but this is different. She's different.

For instance, she doesn't chase after me or bow down to my every need like most girls. You ever heard of the saying 'you always want what you can't have'?

But now you might be wondering: Hey Ryder, then why were you such a huge dick to her?

Here's my sucky explanation. I'm not always a good person. I hurt people without even realising it. And she's too much of an angel to be hurt by an asshole like me.

I know, I know. Why don't I just change and be careful?

It's not that easy. You can't just change with a snap of your finger. And like I've said, I do it without realising that I'm doing it.

But, I'm willing to try and see how it works out with her.

I got back to the kitchen of the house. I was done with looking through it. Even though most of the hallways and rooms were off limits it still took almost half an hour.

There was half a bottle of vodka sitting on the counter top so I grabbed it and started to drink out of it.

"Any luck?" Blake asked me when he also walked into the kitchen.

I set the bottle down and shook my head. I ran a hand through my hair and exhaustedly leaned against the counter.

I knew something was going to happen today. So why did I let them convince me to come? Of course it was going to end badly. When does it not?

"I think Nick's got her," I told Blake.

He looked at me and crossed his arms over his chest. "You really think so?"

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