How ill is she

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Sev pov
It was the third day of class and i would get to teach cat today . I wasen't aney bit worried when I DIDEN'T see her at brefest but also in class. Then she wasen't at lunch . I starter to worry . I went to madom pound fret  where I swale herliying in a bed pale and sickley . With worry I went to her Sid and asked modom poultry .what was was wrong . She said thAt It was just a relyps of the past . Of what was my question . P
I srech through medical history .
                  Catline EVEANS
Age 3
Blood transfusion .abnormalheart beat
Age 4 .
Coman cold
Lucemia diagnosed
Dignosed diabeades
Cracked ribes
Canser stage3
14rondes of lukimea
Age9 physicals therapy
Age 10
Blood transfusion ,heart sesey ,pacemaker put in,dog nosed blind
Malnursed hear caliber ,stroke probed
25rounds of lukimea scuffled
Aear scan , Dieat plan
How stable is she . And howas coustdy over her .

Cat pov
I awoke I knew I had Canser . And I would relyps  I scard to die and I won't stop fighting . I then got out my song book and wrighting
Shot me down back stage
  Young love Heart so blind
Same song played about a million times
It all started as a frend in  need how did we end up as enemy's
It's a fade love a heat attck
nomater what we do
we cant come back
picking up the peaches
how do you fix soumthing that
started of broken
shot me dawn
You shot my down
like a bulse eye through me heart
  and when I hire the ground .
I was never the same ,
You shoot me down
Shoot me down
Like a bulls eye
through my heart
Dans when I hit the the ground
I was never the same

That is what I said

I ended at that ao I went one at that .

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