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Proffeser mcgonall,class have your repourt on my desk Friday class dismissed.oh miss EVEANS  the head master request your presents and don't worry if you miss your next class . I thanked the proffeser and got out  of the class room a fast as possible to get to his offise quilled . Once i was in his offise the headmaster to told me to take a set. I set out at once to the head masters  offense so I could find out what he need me for.

Whee I was I seethed in his offis he asked me if i could tell him my parents names , I told him ideden'd know who my parents were. I told him that I was found so th side of the rode at age 3. Abs how I wanted to die.

Becaus how my leg parrallisce and so I couldent walk or say aney thang untell I was in would orphanage after the muggle police found a little girl about 3 abandond ,who looked like the last good meal was in her mothers womd. So then he asked me for a drop of my blood to put on a puterntaty test . So I obliged and he took a peternety potion. I watched as best I could on the broom as the peace of parchment said mother - lilly potter née EVEANS. Father- living severous snape.

        So then the headmaster called my father to his offise...

so cruell cliff hangers

Let me know what you think about what she should do when he finds out.?//
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