Howarts's acceptiance

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On the day of my eleventh birthday i was told by ms. blanch that someone was coming by to talk to me .so I had better be in my best dress. my best dress is onley a simple plain gray long slevase with the skirt knee high. But I change regardless of how I look.

I was prompted up on my bed reading romio and Juliet, by William Shakespeare for the fourth time when a man was shown in by ms.rose. The man was wearing a big purple cloak and had glasses with a white beard . The man told me that his name is Albus Dumbledoor and that he is a professor at a school called Hogwarts a school for witchcraft and wizardry . He also said that i am a witch with magic . He told me that I could go to Learn how to use my magic without hurting an one. So I asked him how I would get around because of my legs. He said he have to thin about it.. Befour he left with a good day and said he'd come back for an outing to by school supplies.

What do you gies/gals think? What is Dumbdloor's ancwer, let me know what you think in the comments blow. Thanks love yua

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