you filthey mubdlood

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Cat's pov
The slythrin perfictes Were nice very nice after the gestures to my dear mother . And just kept rubbling it in my face, they were rude and verry shelfshi . they had no manes . i was like dirtiness  but it what so diffrent . They had no respect so much  that it was horrid. I had a room and food so what could I do . Yes I was being bullied by my pears but I tend to keep to my self . So why should I complain when all to all of the time. I wish that I knew my mother but I don't  stop. 
I went to my doorm wher all that was ther sa,
The same but I went to my doorm room that held all of aloght of green in the fire and room . I went to aslep  where I had a dream .
I let go of the fighting to stay awake . When I fell aslep I was at the orphaniage being bullied Jess game scremend you freek selfish pig and they woulden't stop hitting me and punching me ii was stuck and the n Jess old ot a knif . And held it to my  through the . ;As she said your no good cat just ill and sickley why don't you kill your self .
I awoke shaking and sweaty . Wantin t screaM but I know that it wound to hlep at all at all the words fresh in my head . So I also am thin as a wissil I am naushes so I just stay ther  watting for help my nightwear should had effected my(brain . I had a huge headache . .thT got worse  I could net think at all and I wand to Scream as loud as I could I just layer their in Bed pillows on my head covered me my eyes. I know I mised lessons all of them my time table was dileverd  last knight. Hears what it said .

Monday ,Tusesay ,Friday
6:30 end  of crfue
7:00to8:30 brefast
8:30to9:45 potions
9:45to10:50 free
10:50 to 11:50 tranfiguration
11:50 to 12:50 lunch
12:50 to 1:45 dada
1:45  to 2:50 history of magic
2:50 to 3: 45 herbilogy
3:45. To 4:45 free
5:00 to 7:00 dinner
8:30 curfew
6:30 end of cruefew
7:00to 10:50 potions
10:50 to 12:50 tranfigtion
12:50to 1:50 lunch
1:50 to 3:50 history of magic
3:50 to 4:50 free
500: to7:30 dinner
8:30 cruefew
6:30 end of cruefew
7:00 to8:30 brefest
8:30 to 10:50free
10:50 12:50 dada
12:50 to 1:50 lunch
1:50 to 3:50 herbilogy
4:00 to 4:30 free
5:00 to 7:00 dinner
8:30 cruefew
But I just sat ther in bead watting for soumtheig to hapen  my head ace was fitting bigger. But I ju eat sat there. Watting I looked at the clock an it said 2:30 am I grow inward key . I fell back asleep and awoke up  at 4:30 pmI had slep through the entire Third day of school and my vision blurred so I went to Madom Pompey ? And stayed there for 3 minutes untell my dad showed up cons rend  about my Helth he asked madom Pompey who said I was having a ralyaps of an early illness . I Tryed to lissin in longer but sleep toke me .

What do you think commit below what should hapen next .

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