Digging deep

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         As i got up form my slumber, I had a job to do , i was tring to find out if the new first year Catline tigerlilly gold eveans , how her last name is eveans and why she looks like me . Whith her greesey long red heir and her stone black eyes that could be mine . I am drtrmend to find out ...

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$flash -back

"Lilly no "!!!! sevreus shoutes, as he holds lilly weepping , 

lilly wispers ,"sev, (couph)take care of (couph) the (to much couphing sa lilly said ) our child , but it sounded like hary in betwen gasps of air as she died in her true loves armes gasping out I'm sorry sev.

end of flash back 

...why she has lillys red heir whith my greas in it. first i went to doombeldoor and asked him as how she is relted to the eveans. 

Doombledoor said that he'd look into it . 

 but i was dertrmend to have my ancer . but the force was bloocked by an un known fource , doombleboor spoke ,saying , the profocie said of aboy boor at the end of july not a girl . but i knew soumtheig was up.

what do you think , plese don't hesetat to put you oppion in the matter , if you want to use CATLINE jut ask , and as long ia i get to read ii'm cool . 

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