Off the streets

201 10 1

I do not own the hary potter series all the chactors are ///j.K rolings but catline.

cat pov

I berley rember the time befoure I was placed in a mulgle orphaniage. But can rember back when i was three and people would threeten to send me off to a assayunlam because Ican't move my legs .at all

when some one call the police on a little girl that coulden't move her legs and dress into well taterd cloues , darkbrown ty shirt that had predy much warn away. Her skirt was once the big party red audelt ancle skirt but now bearlew cover her but with the eleastic shrunken . Who looked as fi her last good meal was in her mothers womd.

When the police arived in there cool cop car in flashing red and blue lights .The first door opend and a tall thin healthey law infourser got out .From the second one was a strong and verey healthey male . the feimal one walked over and asked "hellow there , whear are your mum and dad?

" i don't know, i live right hear and i can't move my legs at all." i told them

Then i fell aslep.


let me know what you think

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