Chapter 10

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  I woke up feeling like shit and my mind evil whispered no shit Sherlock. The bright light crawling out from beneath the blinds threatened to climb on to my bed and I let out a groan as the evil elf in my head began to clang pots and pans; what a lovely wake up call.

  I could hear shuffling come from around me and against my better judgment I forced both of my eyes to open, which sent my brain reeling and my stomach heaving. My stomach teased me, unsure of whether to expel the alcohol or not, and I tugged myself to the edge of the bed, preparing for the worst. A tiny blue trash bin appeared below me and I grunted a thank you, but got no response. I took deep and steadying breaths, my stomach settling down yet the elf continuing his little concert.

  “If you are going to die or something, would you mind at least doing it in the bathroom.” Mo’s words were a joke, but her tone was enough to make me want to drop dead. I hazily recalled how I blew her off last night and didn’t get a chance to do damage control because I had thrown myself into bed, not even bothering to switch into pjs. I kicked the blankets off of my legs and tried to sit up. Hell, dying would have been easier than feeling this way.

  “Here, take these.” Mo came back my way, depositing two orange pills on the nightstand along with a glass of water before exiting the bedroom once again. I greedily gulped them down and closed my eyes for a few minutes before I felt ready enough to stand and not fall over.

  “Simone.” It came out as a whine as I stumbled out of the bedroom and towards the bathroom where I could hear faint music and the smell of a straightener. My body aches simply wore a muzzle, but it was enough to let me focus on my tiny friend blatantly ignoring me. I leaned against the doorframe, letting my stare bore into the side of her face. She flicked her gaze from her own to mine in the mirror, until the section of hair she was straightening began to smoke.

  “Fuck. What do you what from me? Because as of yesterday you made it real clear that you didn’t have time to talk to me.” She let the hair tool clatter on to the counter and I had to resist the urge to laugh seeing as only half of her hair was pin straight, and the other slightly knotted and un-brushed. I mindlessly played with the pendant at my throat, unsure of how to answer without sounding like a complete and utter bitch, because that was my only excuse for doing what I had done. Other than being horny.

  Heck, I was a horny bitch.

  “Listen, I’m sorry okay? Niall and I ended up hitting it off quicker than I expected and I just didn’t want anything messing it up.” Right as the string of words came out of my mouth, I knew they weren’t right.

  She spun towards me, rage in her hazel eyes. “Oh, so I’m such a bad friend that you think I would ruin it for you? Jesus Kenz, way to have faith in me.” I bit on my tongue, begging my mind to think before I let my yap open again. I pinched the bridge of my nose and tried again, knowing now that I was walking on a thin ass tightrope.

  “You know that’s not what I meant. And in the end, I was the one to ruin it anyway.” The loud slam of Niall’s door from the previous night echoed in my mind, and I cringed at the memory as Mo shook her head.

  “If you think that we are gonna fix this by me taking pity on you, you might as well get back in bed and leave me the hell alone Kenzie.” She no longer sounded mad, she was dismissive and tired, which in Simone world translated to you being in some deep shit. Shit, shit, shit. I didn’t have the energy to try and fight with my best friend and frankly I didn’t want to start my first official day in Florida without my bestie.

  “Mo, honestly I apologize. This isn’t going to be some Kenzie pity party; I did this all to myself. But really there are more important things to discuss, such as what happened between you and Ryan.” I poked her in the shoulder repeatedly and a ghost of a smile pulled at her lips, until a scowl took its place.

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