Chapter 16

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  I woke up and lazily rubbed sleep from out of my left eye while I ran my fingers through my severely knotted hair, confused how it had turned into such a rats nest.

  Then I remembered how it had started to drizzle while Niall and I were hanging out on the boardwalk after our movie and I sighed and internally cursed Mother Nature. But then as I focused on the name Niall, I found my scowl whisked away by a wide smile, which I was starting to realize was his normal effect on me. Niall...oh that Irish boy just knew how to make my insides swirl and whenever he smirked at me, it took all of my power not to rip my clothes off and beg for him to take me already.

  But if our banter continued the way it was going, there would be no clothes stripping of any kind, any time soon. He and I were playing the same game aka playing hard to get. And since we are both stubborn as hell, neither of us wanted to give in first which resulted in us teasing each other up the wazoo, which left both of us desperately wanting the other to give in so we could both finally get what we wanted.

  To sum it all up, we were the definition of sexual tension.

  With a deep sigh I pushed Niall out of my mind as I pushed myself out of bed, sauntering into the main room to head towards the bathroom all while humming some Maroon 5. As I jumped into the shower I vaguely noticed how quiet it was but as Big Sean came on my Pandora, I couldn't focus on anything other than rapping along with him.

  Half an hour later, I was refreshed and ready for the day and from the bright rays coming through the window, I knew it was going to be a beautiful one. But still, the silence in the room was starting to gnaw at me to the point that I couldn't ignore it. But then it dawned on me that the thing causing the eerie silence was the lack of my caramel skinned friend's constant jabbering.

  "Mo?" I exited the bathroom while throwing my hair into a loose ponytail, taking careful steps as I rounded the corner and took in the empty living room and kitchen area.

  "Hello? Momo?" I kept on walking slowly and deep in the back of my mind I thought about how much this resembled the majority of the scary movies I have seen in my lifetime. As I tip-toed past the kitchen I even eyed the drawer where the knives were but with an eye-roll I told myself to stop being an idiot.

  I tugged my phone out of the back of my jeaned shorts and tapped the screen till I got to the number I needed.

  "Kenz? What's up?" Dylan's perky voice answered right away and in the background I could hear the running of water and then a deep Irish sounding laugh which made my heart squeeze.

  "Hey, have you heard from Simone? I don't think she is here because it's too quiet." I walked across the living room to check the balcony and when I was met with only two chairs and a small table, I allowed the curtains to fall back into place, my panic level rising.

  "No, she never texted me back last night so I assumed her phone had died or she had crashed. But it's almost 10:30 and you know she never sleeps past 9, so maybe she snuck out early?" I racked my brain to see if I could recall her being in her bed last night but all I could remember was running through the door and throwing myself into bed, basically asleep before my head even landed on the pillow.

  I chewed on my cheek as I headed back to the bedroom, guilt filling my gut that I hadn't been paying much attention to her lately. "I know she doesn't sleep in, but if she left don't you think she would have at least texted one of us to let us know where she went? Like who else could she—" I instantly cut myself off when I saw something squirm under the sheets of Simone's bed, my worry rising further instead of dwindling.

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