Chapter 14

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  The walk back to the hotel was just as enjoyable as the day was. We were falling into a rhythm that I was more than okay with. Niall and Kenz would take the front, both attempting to be sly and cunning when it was no secret they wanted to tear each other’s clothes off. Ryan and I hung back, him shortening his stride so that it matched mine. His arm had basically become molded to my shoulders and my head had formed a magnetic attraction to his. Then Dill ended up floating somewhere in the in-between and my heart squeezed for the kid. He wasn’t just third wheeling….he was fifth wheeling. I knew how much it sucked when I got roped into being the wing woman for Kenzie but for him to be going through it on a larger scale…ugh it made me hurt for him.

  “Hey Dylan.” He instantly turned over his shoulder, falling back in line with Ryan and I, his features calm, but his eyes appreciating the conversation.

  “What movie do you want to go see?” A wide smile hit my lips because movies were our thing. The nights when Kenzie was out partying or with a guy, we would throw on our pjs, grab hundreds of blankets and pillows, then curl up for a movie marathon. Going to the movies with him would be the perfect way to fully smooth over any last bumps between us.

  “Well you know I am a sucker for a good action movie, but our favorite girl is in theaters as well.” He had his hands stuffed into his pockets and a light smile on his face which for some reason made me smile wider.

  “You did promise that we would go and see her as soon as it came out…” I let my voice trail off, giving him a chance to recall the day I endlessly begged him to go watch the movie with me after we watched every trailer on Youtube. He had finally given in when I started to give him the puppy dog eyes even though we both knew he would be more than excited to go before I had asked.

  Dylan laughed and ran a hand though his black mess of hair. “Um, if I do recall correctly, I was basically forced—.” Ryan clearing his throat on my right broke our conversation and we both guiltily dragged our eyes his way.

  “What movie are you guys talking about?” I could tell he was trying his best not to sound jealous or annoyed, but he was doing a horrid job. I instantly felt bad for leaving him out so easily.

  “Gravity? The one with Sandra Bullock?” Dill searched his face for any type of recognition and when none came he ran his fingers through his hair one last time before giving me a saddened half smile. “Well I’m down for that if you’re…up for it.” It was only a quick second but I watched his gaze flick from mine to somewhere above my head before retuning back to mine by the end of his offer. My insides did that annoying thing where they clench and knot themselves as he returned to the center of our moving square. It wasn’t the fact that he didn’t have people to go with to the movies, he could find a girl in a heartbeat, it was the fact that he wanted to go with…me. Isn’t that what I wanted anyway? Barely any time had passed from when I was crying on the boardwalk telling him that I would never be his first choice, yet here he was…putting me first.

  “Mo?” Ryan used the arm that was slung over my shoulders to shake me a bit, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Huh?” I had no clue what he had been saying or if he had even been speaking at all. Whoops.

  “I was just asking what the plot of this Gravity thing is.” He gave me a tight smile and his words were sincere enough, but as I started to ramble on about the outlining plot and how different it was from her usual roles, I knew his heart wasn’t in it. He got an A for effort though.

  “Ryan.” He waited till the silver walking man popped up before looking down at me. “It’s really okay if you don’t go and see Gravity with Dill and I. I get that it’s not the kind of movie everyone is into and there are very few people who are as obsessed with Sandra as we are.” I couldn’t help but laugh because it was true. For some reason that woman just got to Dill and I. We had even spent a whole week together last summer watching all of her films, in order, just so we could see her evolution. To be honest, we were one step below creepy when it came to her.

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