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Stiles threw open his jeep door, but instantly cringing when it slammed against he front. However he pushed it aside. He watched as the rest of the group piled out of each car. They had arrived at Eichen House, but they didn't have a plan in mind, they were going to be going in head first which could lead in casualties or death.

Allison held onto the Chinese daggers which were located in her belt; she knew she would have to removed the belt so she would soon hide it on her boots. Kiras fingers ghosted across her sword belt, Malia Scott and Liam gave each other a knowing look. Lydia just held onto her best friends arm. The group had done this before, this wasn't as hard as they thought.

Allison sighed, "we've done this before. If she's like what you said she is, we can help her"

People agreed. Liam was afraid, he hasn't came face to face with void before. He knew what it was capable off and was afraid if something bad would happen. He always got reassures of Allison and Stiles it's nothing to be afraid off; coming from Stiles being void and Allison almost dying from it.

Lydia gulped when she turned around to come face to face with the sign, she hadn't had much luck with this place. Malia shivered, memories coming back from her first few weeks as human. Stiles was pale; like he was once again void. He had a sickening look on his face, he looked in pain.

"We can do this, we managed to save you Stiles. We can save Luna" Scott announced, everyone was staring at the pack leader; their alpha. "We'll save her, she's apart of the pack and this pack is always here for each other"

Everyone smiled at one another. If they had to come up with a fear for them all, they would all say losing one another. They have gone through hell and back, yet they're still standing. The McCall pack is something every other pack wishes they were. They gave hope to people; they were the protectors of Beacon Hills, no matter what.

Scott lead the way. He was upfront. Allison, Lydia and Stiles following closely behind him, leaving Malia, Kira and Liam at the back. The front gates opened, making everyone confused but they kept edging forwards. They walked slowly up the steps, feeling their nerves over power them; yet they still proceeded.

Scott and Stiles pushed the main door, seeing the front desk was empty. No employee working. The lights were flickering, the building was standing silent, no screams could be heard. No cries for help. Absolutely nothing.

Lydia looked around, seeing one of the doors open by itself, drawing everyone's attention to it, "That can't be good".

Just as if Lydia jinxed it, they saw a girl with blonde hair walk out. Her hair was all knotty and greasy, the way she walked was like she had a limp. In the flickered lights, there were slight bags under her eyes, also tear stains. Her head snapped up when she saw the people which were standing there, making her face soften. She wanted to walk towards them but was being held back by something. That's when the pack saw it. That wasn't Luna at all, it was the thing which has took the shape of her body.

Allison hands once again tightened on her daggers; times like this she wished she had her bow. Kira was now holding her sword. Malia had slashed her claws out making Liam do the same. Lydia was scavenging around the room for any sort of clue; staying away from battle. Stiles was staring at the door which could also lead them down to the wards.

Yet Scott stood still. He knew that he shouldn't leave them. He had the better chance of fighting them off but without him Stiles wouldn't be able to find Luna in the endless mazes of rooms. He was too drawn. Allison caught on, she slipped her daggers back into the belt and looked over at her ex-boyfriend. "I'll help find her Scott. I promise you"

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