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   By the time Scott arrived back at his house, he saw that the blue jeep was still parked in his driveway but Lydia's car no where in site. So he walked towards the door, opening it up and heard a little scream come from the one and only; Stiles Stilinski. Scott peaked his head around the living room corner and saw his best friend was half asleep with a girl curled up to his side, sleeping soundly.

   "She fell asleep again. What did Mal do this time?" Stiles asked. He knew it came out like he was bored with the werecoyotes actions but he just felt the pain Luna felt when she went behind her back and spoke to the girl she absolutely hated at the time being.

   "She did nothing" Scott lied. He was thankful that Stiles wasn't a supernatural creature because he would have knew Scott's heartbeat increased just for a second. The two best friends just stared at each other from across furniture. Stiles was trapped into the corner of the couch while Scott had one all to himself, lounging himself out.

   The shared a silence, a comfortable one. The air wasn't filling with tension, like it would normally do in situation like this. However, deep down Stiles knew something was different about this situation. They hadn't encountered anything bizarre yet – hoping it would stay that way. No one had tried to kill them this year so far, but everyone knew that could change in a matter of seconds.

   Scott felt the discomfort now coming of the other teenage boy, raising his eyebrow, practically asking what the hell is wrong with you. Stiles shook his head but felt the stare of true alpha, burning the side of his face, "if you stop that, I might stop being closed up" he snapped causing Scott to look away.

   "Something bad is going to happen. I just feel it" Stiles told, he knew he probably sounded a little on edge at the moment but he wanted to get his thoughts across, "like someone is going to die"

   "Leave the death talk to Lydia atleast, as you know, she is the experience one," Scott joked earning a light laugh from Stiles. Scott watched closely as, his best friend held the girls head so when he moved she won't awake, he watched the way he placed her head back down ever so gently as he was afraid to hurt her. Scott felt pain inside of him; he acted that way around Allison, so careful but towards Kira he wasn't as much. He then saw the smile he gave the girl which was sound asleep; seeing the look on his eyes. The one Allison got and the one Kira gets.

   Scott gulped, as Stiles eyes made eye contact with his, "you love her don't you?"

   Stiles smiles and nods slowly, "is it that obvious?"

   Scott nodded his head, making Stiles cheek brighten, "Yes it is"


stiles confesses his love
scott compared allison and kira
luna is asleep yet again!

what do you think is happening?

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