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lunax.; ate a lolly🍭
credits to @willowjoke for the photograph📸

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@hipsterlilly; i swear down you get uglier by the day

@lunax.; fu🖕🏻

@willowjoke; my baby girl, is always slaying tf you talking about hipsterlilly

@liampup; 👑 princess slay

@lunax.; please never call me princess again or I'll cut of your little werewolf ears and keep them for a prize

@truscott; woah, i honestly feel attacked...

@.stiless.; bitch

@lunax.; i know i know, .stiless.

@blydsmartin; this girl is on fire but what's wrong with stiles?

@halemaliatate; tbh my tolerance level for you is decreasing by the second lunax.

@lunax.; awh, how sweet of you to say that😊 halemaliatate

@lunax.; why thank you lydia❤️blydsmartin

@blydsmartin; it's fine lu

@liampup; when did you and Luna get so close? blydsmartin

@blydsmartin; we just clicked liampup

@ally.argent; this girl standards is really high, like I'm looking up to you lunax.

@kiraaa; eh, she's decent ally.argent

@halemaliatate; SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME kiraaa

@truscott; I'm honestly confused, when did people get close to Luna

@liampup; princess slay👑

@lunax.; i swear down liampup

@hipsterlilly; tf are your friends? lunax.

@lunax.; they aren't my friends, we're just  acquaintances hipsterlilly

@willowjoke; we need to talk lunax.

@lunax.; okay be round my house in a 20 minutes

@.stiless.; bitch bitch bitch, fucking bitch

@truscott; ...

@liampup; ^^^

@blydsmartin; ^^^

@kiraaa; ^^^

@ally.argent; what Scott said

@halemaliatate; ^^^

@greenburg; woah

@truscott; wait, what are you doing here again? greenburg

@greenburg; I feel attack rn, i just saw you all fussing over a photo and wanted to comment

@.stiless.; greenburg no. And bitch – fucking bitch

@hipsterlilly; take it you hate Luna then stiles?  .stiless.

@.stiless.; I wouldn't say hate, just dislike a bit hipsterlilly

@.stiless.; she's a bitch but she's hot. she's a hot bitch

@lunax,; same🙃 .stiless.

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