instagram; 23

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(dms between Malia and Willow)


willowjoke; I seriously don't understand why the people you consider your 'best friends' are leaving you out and spending time with the person which is knocked up in the head

halemaliatate; if I had the answer i would have told you, but serious I don't understand why they are all so concerned about her

willowjoke; maybe its because of void?

willowjoke; I'm serious. What about it wants to seek revenge because it never got to do it with stiles?

halemaliatate; I don't want to get involved with it. I understand I have a dislike towards the girl but talking about her behind her back to the person which was her best friend. That's just wrong. I know I haven't been human for very long but serious I know I shouldn't be doing this

willowjoke; but Luna deserves it. She doesn't know what she's capable off

willowjoke; I need you to understand this. Whatever happens from this night onwards, your little pack cannot control it. So if someone gets injured then that's just unfortunate.

halemaliatate; can you explain?

willowjoke; shes powerful. something Scott and the rest has never encountered before. She's isn't just void. She something more

halemaliatate; and this makes you sound like you have lost your mind

willowjoke; I'm serious mal. Do you even know her background? How she's been admitted a 2 times to Eichen House before? How she claimed she knew the supernatural world but then got suddenly ripped out of it. Luna is more messed up than you think

halemaliatate; willow. I'm sorry but this is wrong. I shouldn't be talking about this with you

willowjoke; you're making a mistake Malia.

willowjoke; if you just listen to me and be my friend, then Luna will not hurt you. I can assure you that

halemaliatate; go worship the devil

halemaliatate; wait, how can you when you're it yourself.

[seen by willowjoke at 19:43]

willowjoke; malia. I'm afraid you just did something you are going to regret.


(dms between Malia and Scott)

halemaliatate; Scott

halemaliatate; Scott

halemaliatate; McCall

halemaliatate; dude

halemaliatate; seriously

halemaliatate; answers your fricken dms

truscott; why are you messaging me on here? and not in text?

halemaliatate; habit okay?

truscott; what do you need? I'm with Stiles and Luna rn and they both seem to be pissed at you

halemaliatate; I need someone okay? I spoke to Willow. I need someone. Please, Scott. Just come to me

truscott; you have a lot explaining to do

halemaliatate; trust me. you have some reading to do

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