Dry Ice

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You're properly wondering on what happened with Lucifer and I? Well on what I can recall, before getting inside a cab with Chandler. That the biggest scariest, nephew of the biggest nephew took off. Took off like a bullet, out of the elevator.

I thought that was very odd of him since I don't understand why? But eh. Since he took off. I didn't have to worry being in his room.

By our selves. Doors shut. No one there. Anything could happened.

But I'm glad it didn't. But I'm glad that worries was gone. Yes, even a dry ice like me, can get nervous and feel emotions. I mean, were not soulless. Guess it's shocking that a dry ice can me feel emotions. But it's different. We can feel emotions, but it's a bit weird for me to show them.

I can feel them. But, it weird for me to show that emotion. But I can choose to ignore that feeling. Making me numb. Kinda not able to feel that feeling. But I know it's their. Guess it started back when I was in the orphanage. Soon to better lose emotions back their then letting show. Even before that. I was always like a this. Emotionless. But I can still smiles but doing so, but not really feeling being happy or sad. To show that I do have emotions.

Tricking my body that I am happy, or sad. To feel that emotion. Anyone can choose to do so. To trick themselves, of what there not really feeling.

And for what I've have told you now. That for me I can't understand. I'm still thinking about it. And it has been 3 days since I haven't seen Lucifer Thomas since his escape and whatever be tried to plan in the elevator that didn't work. Ran off.

Leading me to think. I don't know why I'm still thinking about it. And why I can get over it. And its not even gang major. It's just, I don't understand.

Why did I feel, I'm not even sure what I felt. But I felt warmth on my cheeks. My face heating up when Lucifer Thomas got very close to me. I don't really understand why that happened. And I can't really figure it out. The only time I get that strange warmth on my face is when I'm sick. And I know that I'm not.

And when Lucifer said. "Your blushing" It took me by surprised. I've never had blushed before so I took it as offences and said I wasn't and saying that I'm sick because your sick. Revealing me, putting my hand on his forehead to prove that he was.

His face was quite warm as mine, and I smiled or smirked, because I was right. Also proving me that I wasn't the only one feeling that strange warmth. And happily he backed up.

Remembering that whole event is weird. And how I was quite panicking inside on now he took my wrist. And pinning against the elevators walls. But I still hold a straight face, to show I wasn't bothered by it.

But how can you when your arm pinned, and that your phone is thrown by a jealous Lucifer Thomas. Who showed disgust expression when he found out I was texting my friend, Chandler. And yes. I do see Chandler as a friend. Since he's been in my life for some unknown reason since 6th grade. But, since he's been in my life the longest. Expect for my landlady. Who known me the longest after the whole orphanage thing. I consider Chandler Family.

I have to at least admit, that without Chandler. I would be a dry ice. Not like I'm already am one. But those types who doesn't feel anything. Chandler and my landlady were the ones w/o experience me into these other emotions. Since I was wasn't evolved in my childhood.

But that doesn't despite that warmth feeling. I had with Lucifer Thomas. The nephew of the deadliest Mafia in the city, and state. And I didn't realized sooner. That it would be much more than a feeling.

But as a dense, Dry Ice I am. I didn't knew that sooner. That that warmth feeling would be bigger for both Lucifer Thomas. The nicknamed Monster. And I, the Dry Ice in the city. Would never known what would happened between us.

And I'm not sure we're both prepared for that yet.

(A/N: Should I make another book? If so. Give ideas)

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