Dry Ice

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It was about the day before the first day of school. I was asked by my landlord to go in to town and grab a few items that they need. But since I had nothing to do. And her grandson wouldn't do it so there I went. Well since she drops my rent like 5%, why not.

I went into two town and walked down the busy streets of a Monday. Cars were roaming the streets that by luck, someone got in a crash. Oh well. I hope that person as life and car insurance.

As I walked down the street towards down the grocery store. I started to think about my senior year.

I'm just happy that's is almost over, like everyone else. Just one more year then I'm off to collage then after collage work. I guess I have my life planned out already. But but teachers and parents do bug you about your future when your in freshman year. But at least I satisfied my teachers by getting good grades and pleasing my landlord by hanging out with good friends.


Personally, I don't need friends.

I don't even remember how I even got friends by my nature. I'm just someone that to people I'm just a person who study to hard. Or to people, no feelings.

I honesty don't care about people. Well excepted my family of course and I guess my friend, Chandler. I don't know about him. I tried loosing him around 6th grade but he kept coming back. So I left him alone.

Then 8th grade year. That's the year that Chandler definitely didn't left my side. I still don't understand my body leaped to protected him. But hey, at least I stopped being called Dry Ice for once. But then again, the nickname did got back on to me.

But since Chandler started hanging out with me. Rest of his friends started hanging out with me as well. So I couldn't be alone. Where I go, Chandler goes, and where Chandler goes, his friends goes along. It's just a big tail following the other tails. So that's why I didn't call or text Chandler I was going somewhere. Then the circle will form again.

I don't mind the friends. But there's a thing called personal space.

As I took a turn on the sidewalk. I saw the grocery store right down the street. As I begin to walked down, I saw shifty figures going through in ally way in front of me. I decided to ignoring it. It didn't envlove with me so why I be apart of what's about to go down. As I came closer to the alley way I started hearing commotion.I heard grutting noise as I got closer. Every normal person would turn around and take a different direction. But I'm not normal. I just want my groceries.

As I came to alley way where the two buildings partly separate for garbage and back doors, the shifty men were fighting 3 other guys. More like beating the the crap out of the 3 guys.

I know I wasn't part of this and it's not of my business. I mean surely someone would help out. But as I look back where at the streets. People were just passing by, some were noticing of what's happening but nobody did anything.

I mean, I can't judge them. I wouldn't either. But.. I look back inside the alley and saw the shifty guys were holding back the 2 other guys and making sure they wouldn't get out of their gasp. The third guy was being beaten by the shifty guy that looks in charge, was kicking the person in the stomach. There was a little light in the alley way so I could make out the person on the floor. I couldn't believe it. It was frickin Lucifer Thomas on the ground. Great. The toughest guy in school is now on the floor being beaten by a random stranger.

Now one of guys yelled in pain, getting my attention I turned back and now saw that the two guys who were held back was shouting bloody murder for the guy to stop. I heard some words from the attacker saying "..Monsters like him should die..." Well this is clearly not my business and I should get those grocery's.

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