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That's it. That's what they always call me.

A monster.

A monster who just destroys everything in their way and couldn't care less of what people they hurt, or even killed. I Was the typed of person who just beats people if they just give me funny looks or mutterings something about me.

But I guess it's my fault. Right? Everything is my fault. Oh blame it Lucifer, oh Lucifer did. It has to be Lucifer. Because of my name. Right?

I mean sure. I should just use my brain and change my name right. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't fucking matter if I change my name. I'm still me. I'm still a monster. Nobody would even look twice at me and give me chance to prove I'm something else. Even if I did a good thing. People would just think "oh he's only doing that because he wants something from us"

So if people won't give me a chance to prove my self that I'm not just another scum walking on this worthless earth. Then I'm not gonna give anyone a chance to see me as me. Weird right? What's else is me to me.


Yeah right.

Nobody really gave me a chance to live normally. Nobody ever treated me like a regular human being. Only just a monster. I mean. People might say, that I never gave then a chance. But I did. You might not really notice. I mean no one really notices anymore.

No one notice if someone is dying. No one notices if someone is trying to ask for help, but doesn't have courage to ask. All their is, is just silence help.

And no one cares to listen to them.

All we are is just nonsense.

But now, I think it's different now.

Since that this is my senior year. I'm gonna bail on this low life city town. And nothing is gonna change in this year.

But how wrong I was. Saying nothing was gonna change. But somehow it did. I guess it's the universe telling me not to die yet. But who cares. Fuck the universe.

But it was that day, that someone gave me something. I mean I know. It sounds sappy. Like a introduction of twilight or something.

But like I was saying. Someone gave me something. Or I guess that person changed me. Yup. Sappy.

But I never knew that a Dry ice person was gonna do that to me, Lucifer Thomas, a 18 year old high school student that is now in the deadliest Mafia in town.

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