the cold air made yoongi slightly shiver as he placed his stuff on the nearby sofa, taking a look at the room. double bed with comfortable looking white sheets, curtains covering the sunlight that emitted from outside on the balcony, a coffee table near aforementioned sofa and it was safe to assume that the bathroom was nice, as well.

"well," jimin started, placing his stuff near yoongi's, "you won't be any fun, hyung. you'll literally just sleep around all day."

yoongi gasped. "it's like you're psychic or something." he said, before running up to the bed and crashing onto the white sheets, burying his face against the soft comforter.

jimin rolled his eyes at the sight of yoongi groaning comfortably, body still against the soft double bed. "i'll go change into something comfortable." he said, before grabbing some denim shorts and a plain white shirt. "are you just going to sleep all-- come on, it's our first day here." jimin slightly huffed.

"that's the plan!" yoongi screamed, words muffled into the bed, before hearing the bathroom door close. rolling over, he faced the ceiling and sighed. with a room too quiet for his liking, he decided to sit up, ruffling his hair a bit before heading towards the door. he decided to head out for a bit and check out the place, at least the hallway, considering that he's legitimately tired.

he yawned, opening the door and stepping out into the hallway. they were specifically on the second floor. the place was quite nice, elevator and all. carpeted floor, nice lighting and all that. yoongi was about to head back inside due to his legs no longer holding him up, until a door, about five doors away, opened, producing a sound that startled yoongi.

shuffling backwards, he watched from behind the door frame, as somebody stepped out of the aforementioned door and into the hallway, hastily locking their room. yoongi squinted. focused. before his eyes widened in shock, dragging his palm against his face in disbelief. he was unable to hear a nearby door open once more, unfortunately.

"yoongi?" jimin called out from inside their room, eyebrow raised at the sight of yoongi peeking outside their door. "you're letting all the cold air out." he walked over to yoongi, who watched as the male looked around, clearly puzzled, searching for the source of the voice. jimin's voice.

reacting quickly, yoongi turned around, facing jimin who was just about to tap him on the shoulder. "hyung, what are you--" yoongi cut him off by placing his hands on his shoulders. yoongi let his foot slam their door close, before pushing jimin further into the room.

"hyung," jimin whined, looking towards their door. "let's go outside. why are you acting like thi--"

"yeah, uh, no." yoongi said, firmly. "i don't think that's a good idea when im jaebum's walking down these halls."

december 27

"don't worry, hyung, this'll be fun!" taehyung exclaimed, trying to cheer jimin up.

they were currently in line for a water slide. taehyung ended up getting paired up with a female stranger around his age, who seemed quite scared of the water slide, actually. yoongi and jimin, as usual, were paired up but it didn't quite help soothe jimin's nerves, knowing that im jaebum was literally behind them. no idea how that ended up happening, but yoongi just told jimin to look forward and never back.

well, too bad. because when taehyung and the stranger were about to slide down, the stranger whimpered and backed away. the man handling the slide sighed, looking over at yoongi. "hey, kid, do you mind replacing her?"

jimin flinched beside yoongi. the latter spoke slowly, "um, i don't--"

"come on, kid." the man sighed.

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