1- Nightmares

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Hello! Welcome to Flawed, Book 1 of my Survival of Heroes Series. Below is a few things you may want to know before reading the chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments. I seriously love to read your opinions. If you have song suggestions for this chapter feel free to tell me! Enjoy!

- This is a crossover fanfic with Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia.

- There will be a sequel. But I'm not telling yet what it's about. 😜 Note that this is a several-book series. I will do one for each Pevensie as well. (Edmund twice because I have some good ideas!)

- Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the Harry Pottter series or The Chronicles of Narnia. Both belong to the amazing authors J.K. Rowling and C.S. Lewis.

- I DO own any OCs including: The Collins family, any named creatures not mentioned in any story, Noel, Sebastian, Jamie, Tessa, Josh, Paige, Peter (you'll know who I'm talking about), etc. I may add to this as I update.

- It is slightly futuristic. Neither story takes place in their set decade.

- Harry, Ron, Hermione, Peter Pevensie, Laurel (my OC), and anyone else in their year was born in 2000. (Just for age reasons.)

- I will try to incorporate as many said lines in the movies as possible. Of course my OC needs to talk so there will be some changes.

- The Dark Age, a period in Narnian history that was between the Golden Age and the Telmarine-Narnian Age, will not exist.

Chapter Inspiration:

- Demons ~ Imagine Dragons

When I opened my eyes, I recognized where I was immediately. It was quiet, and I was sitting on the damp, tiled floor. I saw a small, younger version of Ginny lying a few feet away, unconscious.

A younger version of Harry ran in too. I realized I was revisiting the little adventure we had in our Second Year in the Chamber of Secrets. I felt sick. Harry ran towards the rocky wall, climbing it, before shouting to me, "Laurel, take Ginny to Ron and Lockhart! I'll be there soon!"

I nodded involuntarily, knowing that's what I did. I picked up Ginny, who was rather light, and made my way to the door. I could see Tom Riddle's memory watching me. He drew out his wand and aimed at me. Here we go, I thought bitterly, waiting for the pain to sink in.

He waved it, without words, casting an Arrow-Shooting Spell at me. He must have added a little something special to it because a burning sensation crawled up my arm, sending us tumbling to the ground. I blacked out, knowing that Harry would save us, and that he would find me in a pool of my own blood, before getting me to the hospital wing.

I knew that a scar would form on my left arm, becoming my pain source, my version of Harry's forehead scar. I knew that when Harry's scar hurt, mine would hurt as well.

I opened my eyes again and saw a mix of colors.

Something was pulled over my head, some sort of blanket. It was then I realized that I was reliving the events of last year's third task of the Triwizard Tournament. I was at the end of the maze under Harry's Invisibility Cloak, waiting and watching for the winner to arrive.

I saw Harry and Cedric at the other end. I felt happy, because that was what I felt, but I really felt dread. Here we go, I thought, grimacing. Harry and Cedric reached out for it at the same time. "Guys hold on!" I called, but neither heard me, for my voice was lost in the powerful winds surrounding us.

Flawed *EDITING* (Chronicles of Narnia & Harry Potter Crossover) (PeterxOC)Where stories live. Discover now